My eyes snapped open as I gasp for air. Mr. Ahn handed me a bottled water that I quickly accept. When I calmed down, I look around me. I'm not in that dark room anymore and.. Melinoe is nowhere to be found. Instead I saw a very huge door behind Mr. Ahn that looks like the main door or something.

I'm still in the car and Mr. Ahn is still with me and looks like he is trying to wake me up minutes ago... so that's.. a dream?

"You had a dream that looks like not that good, Ms. Shin. I think you should go to the main desk in the middle of the entrance hall to get your schedule and pin so that you can rest. Don't worry about your luggages Ms. Shin I would take care of it." he told me, helping me get up.

I sighed. Maybe.. I really need rest. I suddenly felt exhausted which is unusual. I thanked him before I went out of the car and made my way inside the entrance hall. I look around. The style inside is mixed of modern and ancient and I can say that this is way too huge than St. Jewel.

Soon, I reached the main desk where I found a woman on her 30's sitting with her eyes glued on the computer screen. I cleared my throat to gain her attention that I successfully did. Wait.. she's familiar to me..

"Oh hey, I'm Ms. Kang. What's your name and can you please hand me the letter you received?" she asked softly. My eyes widen when I remember who she is. Right! Ms. Kang! Our professor in biology at St. Jewel. What she's doing here? I thought professors are away for a meeting?

A snapped of a finger pulled me back to reality as I look at Ms. Kang blinking. "Oh right, I'm sorry. I'm Shin Ryujin." I stated handing her the letter.

"Shin Ryujin? Wait, you're one of my students right?" she asked eyes wide just like my reaction a while ago. I nodded my head on her, giving a small smile. "Oh well, it's nice to see you. I don't expect one of my students in mortal realm is actually a demigod anyway here's the schedule at the back of it is a map and here's your pin. Please proceed to admission hall to get your ID." she gave me my schedule same with the pin. I nodded my head on her and about to go when she hold my hand. "Be careful.. And good luck." the last thing she said before she smiled at me and pulled away which I found kind of bothering.

Okay.. she's weird.

Also seeing her here made me wonder if.. she is part of this realm? Like is she also a demigod? Well, nevermind.

I head to the admission hall with the use of the map like Ms. Kang said. The line of students aren't that long meaning there are just few students who transferred today.

I get inside when it's my turn. I saw a man around his 30's and I bet he is one of the professors here by what is written in his ID. I can't feel any danger to him so yeah he's fine, I guess. "Hello, please sit in front of the camera." he instructed as I obliged. I'm literally exhausted right now but I slightly fake a smile to be presentable as the camera flashes.

"So, can I see your pin?" he asked. I fished on my pocket where I put it earlier and gave it to him. "Oh, a student of Virgo." he mumbled while staring at me. I slightly tilt my head on the side confused. Virgo? Is that one of the zodiac signs? What does he mean by that eh? By just hearing his heartbeat and the fact that I can see on his eyes is confusion makes me confused too.

He then diverted his eyes away and put his eyes on the computer just beside him. "What name you want me to put?" he asked. My brows furrowed confused. What does he mean?

"Uhm.. Ryujin?" I said not really sure in my answer. You know, I'm damn confused right now especially I'm also tired and the fact that I want my body to feel that soft bed already.

"No, what I mean is if you want to change your name what is it? Wait okay let me rephrase that. If you are born again what name do you want?" he asked more clearly.


"Nisha." Wait... what did I just say? Shit. I mentally slap myself.

"Okay, Nisha then." he said as he type it on the computer. I bit my lip scratching my nape sheepishly. I indeed said something because of that voice inside my head. Speaking of the voice inside my head. That voice I heard is kind of familiar to me. "Here's your ID, Nisha." I snapped back to reality when he handed me my ID and my pin.

"Thanks." I mumbled. I'm really tired, I keep on zoning out. I quickly went out of the admission hall but when I'm on the hallways I got bumped with someone. Ugh! Why am I so unlucky today?

First I got a really bad dream in the middle of the ride here.
Second I suddenly felt damn exhausted and tired.
Third I meet my professor in biology back at St. Jewel who acted weird.
Fourth I meet a professor in admission hall who is also weird.
And now really? I got bumped with someone?

Because of the bump, I almost landed on my butt but a pair of arms caught me. I tried to gain my balance again but my head starts to spins around making me clutches tightly to the clothes of that someone caught me. Not that long darkness slowly swallowed me.


𝓢𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓾𝓼 𝓐𝓬𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓶𝔂 | 𝕋𝕏𝕋 𝕩 𝕀𝕋ℤ𝕐Where stories live. Discover now