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4 years later

Callum and Rayla were now well know streamers with two million twitch subscribers each. Their hobbies had become their profession.  Today, however, was new years day and twitch was down. Callum decided that this was the day that he would ask. They spent the day on the couch watching movies and gaming. They had a really great duos game with 40 kills in total. "Wow!" Rayla exclaimed. "That was fun. You are a really great teammate," she giggled.

"Oh, that reminds me," Callum said as he got up. So much adrenaline was now in his system as he got down on one knee in front of her and brought out a small box from behind his back. Rayla covered her mouth with both hands in shock at what was happening. Her brain couldn't process it fast enough. "You were the first person I told my secrets to, you accepted me for me when others hated me. Falling in love with you, my best friend, was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.  Rayla, will you be my teammate forever? Will you marry me?" he had practiced this speech over and over again at every free chance but now that the moment was here he felt like he said it on the fly.

"Yes, yes I'll marry you you big sappy dork," she said. 

"They got married and lived happily ever after. I know it's cliche but what can I say. I'm Yalaxy and it has been fun telling this story."


Rayla x Callum- The Rejects- A Rayllum StoryWhere stories live. Discover now