What just happened?

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Rayla could believe what just happened. She had had a crush on Callum for months but he seemed so shy that she doubted that, if he felt the same way, that he would tell her. Rayla checked the time and it was 5:50, almost time to go. When she had told Runaan about her date he fell out of his chair and when Ethari found out, he also fell out of a chair. Why they leaned back in them when she said you'll want to sit down for this is a mystery. Just then Runaan appeared.

"Rayla it is 10 till 6 and you haven't gotten ready so go," he said.

"What do you mean, I am ready," she responded. Rayla was wearing a black hoodie with green accents and black sweats.

"Oh, well ok, err never mind," he said, clearly embarrassed that he thought she would wear something else. Shame on him for not knowing better. When Callum arrived to pick her up, Runaan stopped him. He looked at what he was wearing and a smile crept onto his face. He clearly had the same idea as Rayla when it came to clothes. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie with black sweatpants.

"Hold it right there boy I need to talk with you for a minute," Runaan said sternly.

Rayla, clearly embarrassed, tried to talk him out of it but Runaan persisted and he told Rayla to wait outside.

"First, why do like my daughter, second, what are you plans for your future, third, do you do drugs, drink, or smoke," he asked.

"First, she is a kind, funny, and amazing person who was the first to treat me like I am not a walking F-35, Second, being a professional gamer is my future plan, and third, no, no and no," Callum responded.

"Good answers except the professional gamer part. How do you expect to make a living of of that especially since so many other doors are open to you?" he asked while attempting to stare him down. Callum was expecting this but it didn't help his nervousness.

"I am actually really good at competitive gaming. I have already made millions from streaming." he said. It was Runaan's turn to be shocked. "Me and Rayla have actually won prize money in a tournament. We have one both the contender cash cup and platform cash cup in fortnite multiple times." " When we come back I'd be more than happy to show you," Callum finished. 

"I guess we will," he said whilst smiling. He thought this kid was just saying that to be funny.

Callum walked out to join Rayla who looked worried.

"What did he ask you?" she said hopping he hadn't scared him.

"Just basic questions like why I liked you," he said. A blush was creeping across his cheeks.

"Wh- What did you say," she asked blushing.

Face even redder now, Callum said, "I told him you were a kind, funny and amazing person who was the first to treat me like I am not a walking F-35."

"Stop, I am not that awesome," she said blushing even more. 

"Yes you are, now lets get going," he responded. They began heading toward a place Callum recommended and claimed had the best pizza around. It was December so it was already dark and it was cold. As if on cue Callum asked, " are you cold?"

"Maybe I should have brought my coat," Rayla said while shivering. Callum proceeded to walk closer to her and put one arm around her. She immediately felt the heat radiating from his body as well as the heat rising to her cheeks.

"Better?" He asked.

"Smooth," Rayla then playfully punched him in the gut. He laughed an then they stopped at where they were going. The building read Amaya's Pizzeria. They went inside where they were immediately greeted by a short boy.

Rayla x Callum- The Rejects- A Rayllum StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat