Adding Tuysu

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How she likes to kiss chu

She will be very soft with her kiss

She would kiss you on the lips or forehead

How you guys met

You guys have known each other when you were in Nappies

When you 2 get a pet

You guys get a Frogo🐸 and call it Kermit. Jr

Because it's like a mini version of Her

What her Family think of you

Her mother and father loves you she thinks of you as another family member

Her siblings They LOVE YOU and I mean LOVE YOU whenever you come over they want to be in your arms or near you and if you have to go they will start to cry but Tsuyu reminds them that you'll be back soon

Best friends



Her: Froppy, Babe, My froppy, Kermit

Yours: Baby, Cutie, Kermit lover, (N/N)

Who kissed first

She kissed first

You two were watching movies in her dorm room and you got a call from your mother telling you she needed help with your baby Brother (I forgot the say that you have you in this sowwy) so you had to cut ypu little movie date quick but before you went to give Tsuyu a hug she kissed you.

Fav colour on you

Any colour she has a photo of you in every colour on her phone but she didn't tell you

Top or bottom

Her: switch

You: Switch

Stupid Question you ask

You two were having your normal movie night and something was puzzling you and it has been for awhile now so you chose to ask Tsuyu

"Hey froppy are you Kernits sercet loves child or not"

"Baby I'm only going to say this once and only once No No I am not*Kero*"

You were said because you weren't dating Kermit's serect love child

Fav Anime to Watch

Kill la Kill

Who has a crush on you

Deku, Kendo and Silver Kirishima

(😏😏 Who knows What chapter that's from if you do you'll get a baby koala hug)

Her as an animal

She would be one of those tiny tree frog you would loose her very easily

When they see you in their hero Costume

Tsuyu was away getting her siblings bevause she had to look afyer them until her parents got home so you chose to wear her hero costume until she get's back

But you didn't hear the door open and the next thimg you heard was


"Baby why you in my hero costume I mean it is cute on you *Kero*"

When you cry

Get her siblings
More cuddles
Happy you

Where you go on holiday

You guys go to Grecce

When you change you hair

You and Mina had a bet to who would not hug Tsuyu for the longest and you were 10.second in you were already hugging her

So as punishment was to get you hair dye Purple it was semi-perminent

How many kids you have

2 twins

1 boy  older by 19 minutes

1 girl.  Younger by 19 minutes

Your kids first word

Your kids first was kinda funny

So you guys chose to have a family movie night and just to annoy Tsuyu you chose to wear her fav oneise her Kermit one and wjen you walked down stairs all you heard was two small voices saying "F-F-Fr-opy-Froppy". You scearmed to Tsuyu that the kids said their first word

How likely to get married


(I forgot who's there she joint with them)

How likely to cook


(Again joint with them)


Ok guys I'm sorry for the delay I forgot I had a person to add to this book but I finally did it

And I know I know some of the Chapters with Pictures are missing that's because I couldn't get then to work at all so yeah I'm really sorry about that

great rest of your day

Sushi-Senpai <~~666 words

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