Winner Part 1

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OK guys the votes have been counted and the winner is...


How you guys met

You guys met at the entrance exam

How he  likes to kiss you
In public or just to see you blush he'll give you surprise kisses on your lips

In private he'll mostly kiss you shoulder or your neck he might do the odd bite here and there

What his parent/s think of you

His parents adores you because you support him through tuff times and that you'll always be there for him

When you two get a pet

Can you guess what you two got as a pet but he says it's his child

It's a spider it's called Fluffy octopus

You guys were picking up some pet things for your sibling (Sorry if you don't have one) and when you finished paying for the things you couldn't find sero anywhere until you seen him holding a spider in his hands he won't let go of it so you let him buy it


For you
Baby, Cutie, Mine

For him
Tapey (Autocorrected put rapey), Babe, Spider, werid elbows

Best friend

Human piakchu

FAV colour on you

Any colour he says your adorable in every colour

Who Kissed first

He did but it was a very cliché

He was pushed over by none over then Denki and fell on top of you

And denki being how he is said "Now he's falling for you" you were going to kick some ass

Top Or bottom

Switch its more like a 50% you would be on top you just need to ask and he'll mostly say yes

Stupid question you asked him

You two were watching Netflix in his form when a question came into your mind

"Hey sero are you a spider in human form"

"No baby no I'm not but I can be if you want me to"

You left the room for two and when you walked back in he was wearing a spider costume he really was a spider in human form


OK guys part one is done

The vote was so close but sero won by one vote the end result was 11 for sero and 10 for Monama

Sorry if it wasn't who you wanted but please take my sushi hugs *Hugs*


🍣🍣🍣Sushi-senpai 🍣🍣🍣

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