Adding Emo Bird

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How he likes to kiss you:

Well he can't really kiss you so he usually just NUZZLES into your neck but you peck him on his beak

How you guys met

You guy met on the first day of U.A when dark shadow came flying towards you he deeply apologise for dark shadow behaviour.

When you two get a pet:

You guys get a pet crow and just to annoy him you made the crow Emo Bird twin brother he didn't talk to you for 40 min until you came into his room with tears streaming down your face then you just cuddled for the rest of the day

What His Parent/s Think Of you

They wonder how they Emo son was able to get a ray of sun shine like youthey think of you as their Daughter they adore you


For him
Birdy, Cutie, Emo Birdy, babe

For you
Cutie, Babe, Sweetie, Emo Bird lover

Best friend

Who Kissed first

You Kissed first

He was sick that day and he didn't tell so you got very and I mean very worried about him so after class ended you bolted to his dorm room and gave he cuddles and you kissed his beak

Fav colour on you

Evry colour you look good in anything

Top or bottom



Stupid question you asked

You were thinking about weird stuff and out of nowhere you asked this

If you were suddenly arrested for no reason and your face was flashed all over the news, what would your family and friends assume that you did?

And he gave you this answer

They would think I kill every non Emo person in the city apart from you


FAV anime to watch

Akame ga kill

Who has a crush on you

The guy that hates Class 1a

(forgot his name)

Him as an ice cream flavour

Dark chocolate

Him as an animal

Isn't it hard to say which animal he would

Duh he wold be a crow


I finally managed to do it people you proud of me I'm sorry I was meant to ad him long ago but I forgot all about him I'm sorry

Bnha Boyfriend scenario's Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon