Stupid Question You Ask Him

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You saw him eating broccoli once and then you asked "isn't that eating your family" he just sighed and then said "For the last time I'm not broccoli"

Like any normal day at U.A Katsuki was shouting at Ilda about putting his feet on the desk (ep5 of the anime) and at lunch you ask "Why do you always have your feet on the desk is it because you don't want the floor to get dirty" he huffed and answered "It's so I don't have to walk on the ground these extras walked all over

You asked this very weird question so it's was a peaceful evening in the U.A dorms and you and your boyfriend Kirishima and you were wondering something for a while now so you asked him "Hey kiri when you use your qurik and you get hard does that mean that your thing gets twice as hard or what" he blushed so hard that it put his hair to shame and just said "I'm not going to answer that babe"

It was the middle of summer and your A.C wasn't working so you had an idea so your ask Shoto "Shoto can I use you as my A.C unit please" he through it was stupid but went with it anyway

You were just starring at your roof and thinking of something that troubled you so you asked Shinso "Hey Shinso if they was a cat version of me and a human version of me which on will you choose" he thought for a moment "Why have one when I can have both"

I'm sorry if I have forgotten anyone else

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