Chapter IX ~ ᚺ (Hagalaz) Part II - Through Trial & Tears...

Start from the beginning

" Your voice is like that of a Siren, however this song you're singing is one I have never heard before.
          I wonder what it is about? "

My eyes shot open to find David's handsome countenance a few inches away from my own & only poorly illuminated by the flickering candles & oil lamps that surrounded us.
My jaw dropped to release a gasp of surprise but it got stuck in my throat, the calm I had so eagerly been trying to regain the past few minutes dissolving again & giving way to yet another surge of trepidation.

He had literally appeared out of nowhere, without so much as a sound, but then again - he was a vampire…& they were capable of doing things much more terrifying & sinister than just silently merging with the shadows.

" It… is a song about the wind, & how we all are a part of it… able to accomplish anything as long as we believe in our strength… "

My voice literally died off mid-speaking until all that was left was a tenuous whisper.

" There is no reason to be scared, Lily ~ "
David flashed a smile, one that I perceived as playful unlike those I remembered from our previous encounters, even somewhat caring. However, this only added more to my already immense distrust…

" Where is Dwayne..? "
The very first question to cross my mind because it was the only thing I genuinely cared about that moment.

" He is fine. ", a subtle head tilt on his part, followed by a ridiculously slow blink, most likely to appear reassuring.

" You have my word on that, Lily. "

" Your word means nothing to me. "
Words that caught even me by surprise, for saying them out loud had never been my intention.
" I want to see that he's alright with my own eyes! "

David crooked a brow, nodding a nod that for some reason seemed anything but sincere.
" You are quite fond of him, aren't you? "

" ...That is none of your business. "
My voice was so cold & devoid of care that it caused even me to shiver.
David on the other hand seemed to be amused by it, almost excited. The following subtle twinkle in his eyes spoke for itself.

" He sure is fond of you. Very much so…

Fond enough to risk everything without worrying about possible consequences ~ "

I felt my heart jump inside my chest. It was a feeling that was hard to ignore given how dear it held Dwayne despite hardly knowing anything about him yet, let alone his ties with David & the others.

My eyes soon drifted away from the blonde all by themselves, unwilling to endure his piercing glare any longer.
" Please, I'm asking for you to spare him... Don't hold him accountable for trying to protect me.
All of his intentions were good... "

A sonorous chuckle ensued & I took yet another step away from the vampire, my arms crossing before my chest in a defensive manner.

" Intriguing... "

I dared not meet his eyes out of fear they could pull me back in.
" What are you talking about..? "

" It is you we were after this whole time & hunted down, yet you are more concerned about Dwayne's fate than your own. "

From the corner of my eye I could see him turn away from me & slowly make his way over to the table adorned with multiple candles, their flames dancing with every swift breeze that entered the room.

"  So much trouble… for so little certainty.
Such courage is truly admirable ~ "

I peered after David to find him snuff out every single candle on the table using only two fingers, one after the other. My eyes narrowed at his nearly blunt remark as I felt a decent amount of anger arise.

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