"Mr Stark?"
"Oh sorry kid, just got lost in my thoughts." His voice was soft. "Don't worry about me too much, I promise to tell you what it is when I get home."
"Alright Mr stark"

"Okay, I've got to go now. Make sure to clean your room when you get to the tower. Don't think I don't know you sneaked those Oreos last night. You're lucky I didn't tell Pepper yet, you know how she gets about eating in the bedroom." Tony shivered at the thought.
"Whaaaat? Me, sneak food into my room? I would never do that, I'm just a good kid Mr stark."

"Yeah, sure kid." He huffed sarcastically but then fondly continued. "See you at home kiddo."

"Bye Mr Stark." Peter said cheerfully. "I'll get you your sandwich."

Tony hung up and looked at his phone, nerves now settled from the conversation. Well, they were until a clearing throat made him stiffen up again. Time to put on the Tony-Stark-Billionaire-Philanthropist™ persona.

"Finally came to grace me with your presence Fury?" He said cockily. "You know I have places to be. I'm an important person Nick I can't always make time for you. Pepper had to reschedule another meeting because of this and she wasn't happy."

"Tony?" That wasn't Fury.

No, that was the Icicle Bastard that had put him in the hospital for almost two months. He turns around to face them and makes sure his persona doesn't crack.

That doesn't mean he can't be salty. "Steven. So now that we're all here, let's get this show on the road."

It was Natasha who spoke next. "Who was that on the phone, Tony?"

Whatever cocky grin that was on his face disappeared when he heard her voice. He wouldn't answer her, he was still angry with her betrayal. "You know, Natalia, it's nice to see you again. After all the double-crossing you've done."

"That's enough Stark." Steve said in his Captain America voice.

"No, it obviously is not. Where's Fury?" He asked. It was Clint who answered him with an angry tone. "Why don't you answer the question Stark? Got a secret bastard kid running around? Wouldn't be surprised if it's true."

"You know what, Barton?" He was so angry. His kid didn't deserve this, even if he wasn't here to hear it. "I don't care what you say about me, but fuck you being such a hypocrite. How about your hidden family hm? Did you hide them cause you're ashamed? No right."

He took a deep breath before continuing. "Since Fury decided to disappear again, I'll tell you what's happening. You are all going to stay at Stark Tower until Avengers compound is done and I get the okay to move everyone out. You're all are to stay on your floors, if you try to enter any other floor Friday will shut the floor down and notify me and Fury."

Steve huffed annoyed. "What's with all the rules? Avenger's Tower is our home, we shouldn't have to have them in the first place. Just because you're angry doesn't mean you need to take it on us."

"Well, Mr Rogers, perhaps if you and your group didn't break the law and decided to hide away to a foreign country, you wouldn't have all these rules. Oh and if it wasn't for me, you'd probably have been put in the prison. Stark Tower was the compromise between the council and myself. You take it or leave it." God, Steve really knew how to ask stupid questions. What did he expect after breaking the law?

"Don't have to be such an ass about it. We get it, you helped out a bit in getting us back, so? It's not like we wouldn't be back here eventually." Barton can't seriously... He was the asshole?

Tony lifted his head and squared his shoulders. With a steady firm voice and narrowed eyes and looked at each and every one of them and said. "It doesn't matter if you think you would have been back here eventually. Actually your opinion doesn't matter to a lot of people anymore. Point of the matter is that until the Counsel believes you are trustworthy, you all are under house arrest. You are to follow the rules that will be given to you and you will understand that from the moment you step into the Tower you are to stay on the floors permitted to you. If it wasn't a condition from this little deal, I would have you all looking for ways to fend for yourselves. Live a less luxurious life I had given you. Now, have I made myself clear?"

The room was tense and silent."I'm sorry, was I speaking to a wall? I need a verbal show of understanding. Have I made it clear that all of you are going to follow the house arrest conditions?"It was a quiet chorus of 'yes'.

"Good. Tell Fury to give you the printed version of everything that should have been said here, but you see the meeting was only for an hour and a half and since you lot decided to be late, I'm just gonna leave. Hope to not see you again."

He strutted to the door and as it was about to close he heard Clint ask if he really just "Dad" them.What an idiot.

He doesn't "Dad" anyone.

He's not even a dad to begin with.

Tony opened his phone and sent Peter and Pepper a text from their group chat saying he'll be home in about 10 minutes. Honestly, he really should have stayed home. He also could go for that sandwich Peter picked up for him. Maybe a movie night would be a good idea. Peter didn't have school tomorrow so it should be fine.

Please like and comment if you enjoyed this one. I know it's kinda short and crappy , for my standards at least, but I've been busy with my HS graduation coming up. Please leave requests. I really enjoy writing these.

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