The Car

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"Ask him."

"Why do I have to? You're the one who brought it up."

"You've known him longer."

"And you're new, this could be a bonding experience."

"I murdered his parents..."

"He already forgave you and understands it was Hydra."

"You're friends..."

"You already owe me from the time I snuck into Tasha's bathroom to find out what shampoo brand she uses."



"Fuck you, that was important."

"It's just shampoo."

"No, it's not Steve. Do you think my hair is this silky and soft without proper treatment? Fuck off, man."

"I could have died."

"Stop being dramatic."

"Fine, I would've been extremely injured."

"This is Stark."

"Exactly, Buck. You haven't seen how he gets when his dad gets brought up."

"But we're not talking about his dad, just his invention."

"Just ask him."

"You do it!"

"As amusing as you two are, can you do this without hiding behind the couch," Tony asked. He was sitting on the loveseat with a Stark Pad on his lap. "You guys are really bad at whispering by the way."

Steve and Bucky froze from their not-really-hidden hiding spot before getting up from their crouching position to sit in a loveseat across the genius.

The two men stare at Tony, not saying a word.

"Is there something you needed to ask me?" Tony inquired, not taking his eyes off his StarkPad.

The fossils look at one another, silently conversating before Bucky groans. "Fine."

"Tony." Bucky starts.

Finally, Tony turns off the StarkPad and looks at the two men. "Yes, Barnes?"

Bucky swallows the lump caught on his throat. He killed men. He fought Natasha and won. Hell, he even faces the wrath of Mrs Rogers after getting caught drunk.

Why did this scare him?

"Um, back in the day, Stevie and I went to a Stark Expo." God, why did Bucky feel the sweat on his forehead?

Steve nodded, taking the reigns from him. "Your dad, um, he showed us something and we were wondering..."

Tony's eyes are narrowed but curious. "What exactly are you wondering? What did my dear old dad promise you two?"


"Flying car," Steve said quickly, his face turning a lovely shade of pink.

Tony took a moment to process before he began laughing.

"You two idiots *gasp* got anxious to a-ask me about the car!" Tony couldn't breathe. What in Odin's name did he do to deserve such schmucks in his life?

After he was done wiping off the tears from his eyes, he took a good look at the relics in front of him. Steve and Bucky were bright red and radiated bashfulness and embarrassment.

Tony Stark One-shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin