Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

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Honestly, Tony thought it was just some kind of side effect from having a shield slammed into his chest. That this type of pain was normal. Or maybe, his chest was too messed up that his heart wasn't comfortable with it anymore.

The weird ache in his heart as he thought about them, about him.

It wasn't until after he read his medical chart and different scans, which was total bullshit, that Tony realised that maybe this isn't as normal as he thought.

"He has a what?" Rhodey's soft voice was filled with confusion. He sat in the seat next to Tony's hospital bed.

The doctor looked at the men with sympathetic eyes. "Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy."

Tony, who remained staring at his chart, rubbed his chest. "Okay, but what is that? Sounds like some made-up disease from a young adult novel."

"Doctor Proctor," Rhodey began. "Could you please explain what this Tak-Takub... whatever it's called is?"

"Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy," Doctor Proctor said slowly. She sighed quietly to herself. "It's more commonly known as Broken Heart Syndrome."

Tony snorted. "I'm sorry Doc. 'Broken Heart Syndrome?' Really? How is that a real thing?"

"As much as it sounds like something from a young adult novel," she began. "It's an actual diagnosis. Has any stressful event occurred during this time of year in the past? Have you felt any similar chest pain like this before now?"

Rhodey couldn't help the bitter chuckle. "Doctor, you've got to know who you're talking to."

"No offence Doc," Tony twisted his hands together. "But I can't keep track of all the battles I fought. As for the pain, well, I had a battery in the chest and some ribs removed."

Doctor Proctor smiled tightly. She's well aware of her patient's previous conditions and stressful battles. "I understand. However, you are, despite what the public may believe, a healthy man. Your heart has always looked well and your rib cage is looking good, despite most of it being made of metal. You shouldn't be at risk for a heart attack, despite having a 'battery' disrupting its placement and placing pressure on your lungs. Your heart, Doctor Stark, shouldn't be having any abnormal palpitations. The charts from last month are what we expect from a man your age. This month, however, are more of a person who has experienced a recent loss."

There was a silence in the room. Tense and uncomfortable.

"Oh shit," Rhodey whispered but it felt loud in the hospital room.

"Don't." Tony felt a dread settle in his stomach. He just knew it was about them. It's always about them.

Rhodey rested a hand on his arm. "Tony..."

"You know," The inventor shook him off. "Even after three years, they still manage to fuck up my life." He composed himself before facing the doctor. "So Doc, what can I do about this?"

Doctor Proctor took the charts from the bed and held them. "Honestly, there isn't much to do. This condition isn't very well known. The good news is that those who have the syndrome usually don't die from it. Death is rarely probable. There will be however some drawbacks. This will most likely continue to occur around this time of year. The symptoms like heart palpitations will most likely continue to persist. Vomiting, nausea, chest and abdominal pain as well. Considering your previous medical history it wouldn't be too far off to say that chest pain may be what affects you the most. Weight loss may also affect you depending on how you deal with stress and depression."

The genius snorted at that. Maybe he'll just lock himself in his workshop. F.R.I.D.A.Y. could use another firewall anyways.

"Considering your reaction," the doctor looked unamused. "Perhaps a psychologist would be helpful. Do you have a counsellor or therapist?"

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