Chapter 23: New People

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picture of Adrianna on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Alex POV

I should feel bad about yelling at her like that but I don't. I'm tired of her and her bullshit.

"Are you done yelling?" My sister Tylisia said.

"When did you get here?"

"I've been here the whole time. Both of us have." When she said that, my friend Adrianna came out from behind her. And that just made me even more mad cause that makes me think about all the shit I've done for Charisma, like stop talking to two of my bestfriends.

"Hey stranger." She said.


Adrianna, or Dri, was fine as hell, I just never saw her like that 'cause me, her and Ty were always so close. She's in the 11th grade like me and the guys, but she don't talk to us like she used to. I don't know why though.

She was about 5'8, pretty face, thick curly hair, thick in all the right places, she was just...wooh. She can drive a nigga insane and she knew it too. She's really cool tho, not like them crazy ass hoes at school.

"Helllooooo!" She said waving her hand in my face. I guess I zoned out.

"Oh my bad, wassup?"

"I'll leave you two alone to talk." Ty said walking away.

This hoe came and plopped her fat ass on my bed. "How have you been?"

"Why you laying on my bed like you own the damn place?"

"Cause it's 4:30 in the afternoon and I'm bored as fuck." She got up and put her iPhone on the dock I have and turned on her Spotify.

"Weird ass."

"Whatever boy, I'm still sexy." She said putting her hands on her hips.


"Nope, just confident. But enough of that, we need to catch up." She said. And that's exactly what we did for the rest of the day. Ty wanted her to spend the night so she did.


Shiddd I was about to stay my ass home from school, but I got stuff to do. I was all dressed and about to go out the door.

"Can you give me a ride?" Adrianna asked me.

"The fuck? How did you get here yesterday?"


I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

"So when are you gonna apologize?" She asked me when we pulled into the parking lot.

"Apologize to who?"


"Why the hell would I apologize?"

"Dude, the walls were practically vibrating when you were yelling. I didn't think you would anyways, I was just asking. It doesn't look like she's coming to school though.." She said looking around the parking lot and seeing Dre, but not Rima.

"You haven't been around Adrianna, you don't know the shit she puts me through." I got out the car and walked away from her, I really don't feel like hearing that and I have a feeling its all I'm gonna be hearing the whole day.

"I wasn't saying that, I'm on your side remember?!" She yelled as she caught up to me. I held the front door open for her and we walked to my locker.

"No matter what I did Adrianna, it turns into this big ass argument. I'm not g-"

"Alex!" Somi said walking over to me with the rest of the crew.

"Damnnn, is that Adrianna?" Ques said.

"Hi Ques, Dre." She said to them.

"You done ignoring us now?" Dre said.

"I was not ignoring you guys, I just took a small break." She said.

"For a year?" Dre said as she gave them a hug.

"Yeah well, all of that will be explained later.." She looked at me, then at Rayne and Sommer. "Hi."


She looked at something down the hallway. "Alright, well good luck and all that shit." She walked away.

"Where the hell has she been?" Dre said.

"Alex, you ok?" Somi asked me. I nodded. I'm lying like shit.

"Alex!" Nique yelled, coming out the damn cut. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Don't start with me Monnique, I'm not in the mood." I closed my locker and walked away.

"Alex!" I heard Deandre call after me. "You alright?"

"Not really, no."

"You know we still cool right?" He told me. That's why these dudes are my niggas, cause no matter what happens and how close they are to another person it doesn't affect our friendship.

"Yeah. Nique tryna jump down my throat mane, I knew that shit was gonna happen. I never did anything, but Niq gonn just listen to whatever Rima tells her and that's not fair. Of course, as always Alex is the bad guy and Charisma does no wrong."

He laughed. "I feel you bro, I'm like the only one that really knows what goes on with yall. I mean Charisma's my baby sister, I love her and I'm gonna protect her, but when you wrong you wrong and I told her that yesterday. I know how hard she made y'all relationship. Shit, I'm surprised yall lasted this long."

"That's cause I love her, but I can't deal with her trust issues and attitude. I know I shouldn't have blown up on her like I did but.."

"That was the last straw." He said, finishing my sentence.

"It really was, we needa talk later though." I told him, we dapped and walked our seperate ways.

When I was almost to class, I saw Dri and Rico in a corner making out. Damnnnn. I wasn't tryna cause a scene or nothing, so I went ahead to class, me and Rico have the same one anyways.

When I sat down in the back, a few seconds later Rico came and sat down next to me right before the bell rang.

"I see you bro." I told him.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"I'm talking about you and Adrianna swallowing eachother in the hallway just now."

He smiled. "Shidddd."

"How long that been going on?"

He looked at me. "You needa talk to Adrianna about that one."


"I'm not at liberty to say, but we have an assembly at 3rd so you can ask her then. Oh but she told me to tell you that if you need a bodyguard to let her know."

"Damn, everybody know already." I said, referring to me and Rima's break-up. He nodded.

"That's the love struggle my man." He told me, putting his hand on my shoulder.


We had an assembly starting from 3rd mod till I don't know when, but we could sit wherever we wanted so we pretended like we were at lunch. We made Adrianna sit with us so it was me, her, Ques, Andre, Rayne, Sommer, Dani, Immanuel, Nique, Rico should be on his way in here and....Charisma.

This should be interesting.


I made it this short because if I had added it to the next chapter, it would be kinda long so...yeah.



and not just 'upload' or 'great chapter' ELABORATE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE !!


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