Chapter 19 It's All About Family

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"DAMN IT!" Alex half shouted as she went through her stuff in her bag. "GODDAMN IT!" She looked frustrated. She threw herself on her bed after giving up searching. Her heart beat fast, she seemed to be hyperventilating under stress.

Jessie and Lauren who were peacefully lying on their own back flinced when they heard Ally shouted. They looked at each other before looking at Alex with worried expressions on their face.

"Alex, what happened?" Jessie asked as she moved to Alex's bed. She rubbed Alex's back who was started to sob.

"I lost it. I lost it. I lost it..." Alex said it in a lower tone that Jessie could barely hear her. She wiped her eyes with the back of her palm.

"What is it? What did you lose?" Jessie looked confused.

"Alex, why are you crying?" Lauren scooted on Alex bed and laid next to her. She rubbed her arm, trying to calm her friend down.

Jessie and Lauren looked at each other with confusion written all over their faces. Alex covered her face with her pillow, but still, her friends could hear her sobbing. She could not respond to her friends as her throat felt so painful that she could not let her voice out. She just shook her head slowly.

The paper. She was actually looking for her very blood test result, which was the only proof that she was actually adopted. She might not want to confront her parents and ask about it yet, but she just felt that it was very important to her. She clenched her fist as she clasped her chest.

Jessie and Lauren might not know about this, but every night, before going to sleep, she would stare at the paper and think about how to confront her parents and maybe have a talk about it. She was eager to know why the hid it from her, she thought she was old enough to be told about her real status.

"It's okay. Just cry, Ally. It's okay." Lauren rubbed Ally's back slowly. She wished she could do something better than that. Her heart ached to see her best friend crying. She looked at Jessie who was also looking at her. She mouthed 'let her sleep'.

Jessie nodded. She spread a blue blanket and put it over Ally. Ally slowly pulled the blanket, covering her face. Jessie and Lauren did not know what to do. They just sit on Ally's bed until she fell asleep. Only then would they went to their own beds. Jessie fixed the blanket before she went to her bed.


Jessie took her phone out of her pocket on the right side of her jeans. It had been literally weeks and she still had not called her grandfather. It was not becasue she did it on purpose. Lauren kept reminding her about that but she always forgot to call him.

Her class that was supposed to finish at 11 a.m, ended early that morning. It was friday and she decided to went back to visit her grandfather. She went to the cafeteria while waiting for Lauren to find some reference books that she needed for her assignment at the library.

She entered the cafeteria and sat at the table that was close to the entrance, so that Lauren could easily find her when she went there later. She put her bag on the table and crossed her legs. Ally went to the library with Lauren because she just wanted to accompany her. She looked calm that morning but Lauren and Jessie did not want to ruin her mood, so they decided to not ask anything about what happened on the night before.

Jessie quickly dialled Thomas' number and patiently waited for Thomas to asnwer her call.


"Hi, grandpa. I miss you!" Jessie smiled as her called was answered.

"I'm sorry. Are you Thomas' relative?" The person behind the phone asked.

Jessie's face expression changed. Her heart felt uneasy and she looked worried. "I'm her grandchild. Where's he? Is he okay?"

"Uhm," He sounded nervous and hesitated to talk, but he knew he must tell her. "My name's David. Actually I, uhm, I found your grandfather lying in the wood, he was unconscious so I took him to the hospital."

"Oh my goodness." Jessie gasped. "When was it?" She tried to be calm. She rubbed her face slowly.

"It was two days ago, but he is to be discharged today. He's still in the bathroom, changing his clothes."

Jessie was relieved to hear that. "Thank you so much for taking care of my grandfather. I was planning to visit him today, maybe I can meet you at our house? I want to thank you in person."

"Yeah, sure. I was planning to accompany him today, I'm still worried about him. But since you'll be home, I won't be that worried to leave him." David said.

"Okay, great. Thank you. I see you later. And before I forgot, please tell him that I'm gonna come home today."

"Will do."

After the call ended, Jessie quickly called Lauren.

"Yo! I'm still not done yet." Lauren whispered.

"Hey, listen. I need to go now. My grandpa was hospitalized two days ago but he's going home today, so I wanna go see him." Jessie explained briefly, she took her bag and walked out of the cafeteria to her dorm.

"Wait, what???!!!" Lauren sounded shocked. "How are you gonna there?" She asked.

"Bus? Taxi? I don't know. I need to go now." She wanted to end the call but Lauren stopped her.

"Hold on!! Don't hang up yet. Are you gonna stay for the weekend?"

"Hell yeah. I'm worried sick about him." She quickly paced to her dorm.

"Meet us in the room. Don't go yet. We're coming with you." Lauren ended the call and looked for Ally at the book sections next to her.

"Hey, Jessie's grandpa was hospitalized but he's going home today. Wanna go with us?" Lauren whispered as she could not be so loud at the library.

Ally widened her eyes. She looked worried. "Oh my god. Yes, of course. How is he? Is he okay?" Ally asked but Lauren could only shook her head as she also did not know what actually happened.

"Come on." She put back the book that she took on the shelf and grabbed Lauren's arm and walked out throught the main door. They needed to be quick, Jessie must be so worried and she for sure could not wait to go see Thomas.

Author's note:
Hello guys! It's been 2 months since i last posted the latest chapter. I want to apologize for taking so long to publish this chapter. I know whatever I said will change nothing and I have not excuse to do so but yeah, I was busy with my finals, then I was busy to pack my things because I could finally come home after spending my quarantine time at my hostel. Then I needed to go to dermatologist bcs of my severe acne, then not long after that, new semester had started and I was busy with the online registration and all. And I finally have the time to write a new chapter and post it.

I hope your guys love this chapter. Please dont forget to vote and comment on how I can improve my writings. Take care guys. Xoxo.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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