0.33 | coming back

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after a good 25 minutes of siyeon waiting in the living room, at this point she thought they weren't going to come out to be honest but the 4 boys finally came out

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after a good 25 minutes of siyeon waiting in the living room, at this point she thought they weren't going to come out to be honest but the 4 boys finally came out

changmin looked decent but you could tell he was still upset and moody

"oh my lord. that took forever" juyeon huffed out, "damn this took a toll on you"

"you try having the love of your life break up with you" he muttered, crossing his arms

it went silent before siyeon cleared her throat and clapped her hands together, "anyways! let's get going. juyeon is driving"

changmin let out a sigh, "if i die in that car. i'm haunting you guys"

"we'll take the chance! let's go" siyeon exclaimed as they finally began leaving the boy's apartment

they got into juyeon's car; juyeon driving, hyunjae in passenger, and siyeon in between changmin and chanhee.

"i swear if i hear anything from you two-" juyeon started but siyeon cut him off

"just drive i swear" she rolled her eyes

changmin perked his ears, "you guys are finally dating?"

"oh my god, you guys are finding out one by one i swear" siyeon rubbed her forehead, "you 3 and jacob know. don't tell anyone else, okay?"

"deal" juyeon chuckled before starting the engine and driving off, "never thought you would date first. i mean you're so close with sunwoo, i swear you guys were dating" juyeon spoke again

"aren't i close with you too?" siyeon then questioned, crossing her arms

"aren't you trying to kill him half of the time?" hyunjae then cut in

"she wouldn't have tried to kill me if you had just not told her about the choco pie and we'd be fine but noooo" juyeon and hyunjae began arguing over the incident

"you chose the worst people to go the mall with" changmin whispered to siyeon, "could've chosen like sangyeon or jacob? even kevin!"

siyeon shrugged, "it's more interesting with them"

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