40: Out of the Fire

Start from the beginning

"45 seconds until impact.", Syndi reminded them in the most casual tone imaginable under the circumstances.

Nick had both legs inside the M.A.N.T.A. suit and was inserting his arms into the sleeves as he began, "Ok, so the plan is we all hop in the M.A.N.T.A. somehow, kick in the Cav drive, catch this torpedo and what -- shoot it?"

"There's no room in that tiny thing for three people.", the doctor stated.

"Sure there is.", Nick disputed with a less than confidant voice.

"No there's not Sheppard.", the doctor argued as he picked up the crystal sphere and placed it in Nick's hands. "Take the crystal, and the commander and destroy that torpedo. Millions of people are counting on it."

Nick didn't like the sound of that suggestion at all.

"We're not leaving you Doc.", Nick stated as Jordan zipped up the back of the suit and secured the collar which engaged the lights on the suit.

"This isn't a discussion...", the Doctor lashed out before Syndi interjected, "Doctor, the ship is moving."

"Get in the sub doc.", Nick ordered completely oblivious to Syndi's previous statement.

"30 seconds to impact.", Syndi announced.

All three of them could feel the ground tremble from the oncoming mountain of rock and dirt.

"Thank you Syndi.", the doctor replied without turning his attention from Nick's eyes. "Get that crystal to the surface and stop that torpedo."

Nick placed the sphere aggressively on the console, "To Hell with the crystal. Get in the sub before I have to pick you up and carry you there."

"Don't be a moron.", the doctor said as he peered over Nick's shoulder at Jordan, "Commander, would you order the Lieutenant Commander to get in the sub and exit the station."

"Actually,", Jordan replied then paused a moment, "I kind of agree with him."

Syndi interrupted the argument once more this time slightly more forcefully, "The ship is repositioning itself."

"It's probably headed home.", the doctor snapped.

"No.", Syndi countered. "It's not. It's relocating -- above Deep Blue. 20 seconds to impact."

The staredown between Nick and the Doctor ended as the doctor turned his attention to the control displays, "It's doing what?"

All the external cameras still showed zero visibility from the cloudy water, but Syndi was tracking the craft on sonar. She displayed a top down sonar readout of the alien ship's location on one of the smaller displays. The doctor, Nick and Jordan all watched as the huge bright orange mass on sonar slowly moved toward Deep Blue until it was positioned directly above the station, covering the entire structure.

"Wouldn't that put it...", Nick began before Jordan finished his question, "directly in the path of the avalanche?"

"10 seconds to impact.", Syndi announced and all eyes were locked on the main screen that showed a live sonar update of the solid mass of rock, dirt and debris that was tumbling down the cliff above them.

"You guys missed your chance.", the doctor muttered under his breath.

"I told you,", Nick answered, "we're not leaving without you."

"5...4...3...", Syndi counted down.

As she did, the first wave of smaller debris began to fall all around the station. They could hear the impacts outside, but most of it was missing Deep Blue. The alien ship parked above the station was deflecting the majority of the material.

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