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AS SUSAN SAT IN THE SEA OF YELLOW that took over half the quidditch stands, she couldn't help but keep sneaking glances at a certain Slytherin who sat only a few rows in front of her. A couple of times, she caught his eye and waved, or smiled, and would quickly look back to the game, a flush creeping up her neck. As she watched the blurs that were her classmates in the Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor quidditch match, she could feel the intensity of Cassius' eyes boring into her, and she watched him from her peripheral. Every once in a while he would mutter to himself and turn back around to face the game.

Susan cheered and laughed with her friends. Hannah was on one side of her, and Justin and Ernie sat in the row behind them. All of their faces were painted yellow, Which was Hannah's idea. Ernie didn't seem too pleased, and kept scoffing in the direction of Cassius and the other Slytherin students who sat nearby.

Cassius would shoot angry looks towards Ernie whenever he did this, to which Susan had to give Cassius reassuring looks and silently tell him to calm down; everything would be alright- she would handle it.

Finally after Ernie let out a loud, exasperated, sigh towards the Slytherin students, Susan shot him a warning look, as if to say: "if you don't shut your bloody mouth I will pulverize you." Needless to say, Ernie got the message, and was noticeably more silent throughout the game, except whenever a goal was scored, or when Madame Hooch didn't fall foul play on Gryffindor's part (which only happened once, but it was clearly a big deal to him).

Thirty minutes into the game, Hannah took Susan's arm. "I have to use the loo. Come with me?"

Susan grinned. "Of course." She turned to the boys. "We'll be back, save our seats." They nodded in reply, finally completely focused on the game. As the girls left the stadium, a large cheer erupted from the other side of the stadium, with many groans and boos coming from the hufflepuff side.

"Well, I guess we know who won the game," Hannah said with a laugh.

"Ah, it's no surprise. The gryffindor team is stacked. Somehow they're still the best team, even though the whole team graduated last year."

"Well, Ginny Weasley's proven to be a great chaser, I mean, as far as I know about chasers."

"Yeah, I don't know much about quidditch to say anything useful," Susan laughed.

"Yeah, lets just stick to the topics we know- like charms, and boys."

Susan grinned. "Speaking of boys," she said as they reached the loo. "I notice that facepaint around your lips are particularly... orange. Could one Neville Longbottom be the cause of that?"

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