Chapter 11

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"Simon, who's that guy who's watching us?"

"Where?" He said while taking me off his lap and putting me to sit on chair. He looked down in his backyard.

"Paula, get in house. I don't know this guy and I don't know how he even got to my backyard." I was so scared. Who's that guy and what was he doing in his backyard? He was a bit older and a lot shorter than person who tried to shoot me other day so it definately wasnt him. But still, I knew this guy. I don't know from where but I'm pretty sure I know him. I didn't wait anymore I just got in house.

"Paula, sweetheart, come back." That guy spoken. I knew that voice! That voice told me Cinderella story every night before bed until I was nine. Dad?! No, it can't be him. He is dead.

I looked at Simon with really scared and confused look.

"Daddy?" I said while going back to balcony.

"Yes baby girl!"

"No, it's not possible! You're dead!" I said trying my best not to start crying. Simon took my hand.

"Does it looks like I'm dead?"

"N-no... But how?"

"Well... You know that they didn't found my body right?" I nodded. "Well I ran away from shooting place and that's why case was never solved. I wish I stayed. I wish I stayed to see my baby girl growing up, to ser her becoming a beautiful shiny star. I wish I stayed because if I did no one would try to kill my baby girl." He said while tears were rolling down his face. I looked at Simon and he just nodded. He knew what I wanted.

"Jenna!" He yelled and short, tiny woman showed up on the door. "Go open the door to Paula's father." Jenna than left the room and came back with dad walking next to her and a bowl. She walked to me.

"Here's your fruit salad, miss."

"Thanks Jenna." She just smiled at me. I left fruit salad on table and hugged dad.

"I missed you daddy."

"I missed you more baby girl." Simon just stood next to us smiling. He knew how much I loved my dad.

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