Chapter 1

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I'm sitting here in police station wondering why I even left my small town in California. Some people tried to kill me hour ago. Yes, I am famous, but what have I done to them so they want to kill me? I took my phone out and called my friend Simon. 

We are working on together on new music talent show called American Idol. He's British ass that somehow happened to be my co-worker. First day of auditions was total mess. Simon and I haven't got together at all. I even quit seven times because of his rudeness. But after we got to spend some time together we finally got along. He is one of my best friends now. 

But now, few weeks before American Idol is about to go live, some people tried to kill me. 

"Simon, can you come to police station please?" I sobbed on phone. 

"Yes darling, but what's wrong?" 

"I'll explain it to you when you get here okay?" 

"Okay, see you in few minutes."

"Okay, bye!"

"Bye, love you!"

"Love you too!" Hold on did he just said love you? And I answered with love you too? Well we're best friends right? I guess that's what best friends do. 

While waiting for him, I searched through web to see everyone talking about me. God, I didn't needed this, not weeks before the start of show. 

Suddenly I felt someone's arms wrapping around my waist. I smiles, but smile fade away as soon as i realized I almost died few hours ago and I needed to tell him that. 

"Simon you want to know what happened?" I said while tear rolled down my face. He wiped it away and took both of my hands. 

"Of course I do."

"Some people tried to kill me few hours ago." And that's when I broke down. All tears I was holding back in me were now coming out. He hugged me tight and I cried in his chest. 

"Oh God! Did they found them?" 

"No, not yet."

"Miss Abdul can you come to my office? I have few questions for you." Detective Maria Brown asked me. 

"Um... Yeah... Simon can you come with me?“ 

 „Of course darling.“ He said and took my hand. I don’t know why but I felt my cheeks turning in light shade of pink. I just smiled shyly and we walked in detective’s office. 

Safe in his armsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora