Chapter 5

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„What’s wrong miss Brown?“ I asked.

„Someone stole files of your fathers investigation.“

„Oh no! What are we going to do now?“

„Find the files and find the killer. But I need to ask you to stay at home. We’ll send you more people to be around your house and protect you.“

„Okay. Thank you.“

„And Simon, it would be great if you could stay with her.“

„Of course detective. I’ll be with her whole time.“

„Good. Don’t let anyone in house. Not even family. There is a possibility of them being involved in this.“

„They would never do that but okay.“ I was pretty shocked by detective’s words. My family would never do something like that to me, or would they? Detective said that in 61% of cases like this, it’s family who is doing stuff like this. I’m so confused right now.

„Can I take Paula on lunch?“ Simon asked.

„Of course, but I need to send people to go with you.“

„Okay, thanks. Let’s go P. „

„Thank you detective. Bye!“ Simon took my hand and we went to the restaurant.

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