Chapter 28

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The day after the funeral was kind of hectic, because my family and I had to meet a lawyer for my grandpa's will.

The whole thing was kind of upsetting but it had to be done and I had to accept it.

Basically, his cash assets were split four ways for my parents and my brothers and I, but my parents got the house and all of the belongings inside. However, they could choose to give some of the stuff to us if we wanted which they obviously agreed to.

Today, everyone was going back to their normal lives. Or as normal as they could make it.

My brothers wanted me to come back to Seoul with them, but I refused because I still had to go pack up all of my stuff from the house and get my car.

They didn't want me to go alone, but I wasn't, because Jimin also had to get his stuff.

"Junghwa are you sure? We can go with you if you want," Jungkook offered.

I shook my head, "I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

I ruffled his hair and hugged the rest of my family before getting in an Uber with Jimin.

When we got back to the house, I felt my steps becoming more hesitant as we went further into the area.

There was an overwhelming sense of absence that I couldn't seem to shake. I should've been greeted by the smiling face of my grandfather and was instead met with a deafening silence except for the sound of the dirt beneath my feet.

Everything I passed seemed so foreign yet I've passed these thing so many times. Jamais vu as they called it.

I averted my eyes and looked at the ground as I walked into the house.

Walking in there felt even weirder.

There was no welcome greeting. No grandpa to run and hug. No food waiting on the stove. It was just as we had left it the week prior, yet it felt so different. So empty.

Jimin and I said nothing and went to our separate rooms to pack.

I closed my eyes as I passed the bathroom, unable to face the place where we found him. But there were unavoidable marks of it. The water stains that had etched into the wood, and the dampness of the area around it.

I practically sprinted into my room and slammed the door behind me feeling very devastated by all that had happened.

I pulled out my suitcase and began folding all my clothes and fitting them into it. I was pretty good at packing so it wasn't too hard to fit my stuff in.

Jimin opened the door, letting out a low hum.

"Junghwa I got your clothes out from the laundry drier," he said.

Second hand embarrassment was evident on my face as I hurriedly swiped all my clothes, undergarments and all from his hands.

"Umm, thanks," I coughed, quickly hiding everything in my suitcase.

"Aha yeah sure," he scratched the back of his neck before quickly leaving the room.

Once the total embarrassment of those five minutes went away I finished my packing and got the rest of my clothes and toiletries in the suitcase.

I decided to call my mom and ask if there was any memorabilia she wanted me to bring back. Honestly, I wanted to leave the house the way it was, but I'm sure there were some picture we could take.

"Hey honey what's up?"

"Hey mom, did you get back safely?" I asked.

"Yep. I'm making lunch for your brother right now, why what's up?"

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