Chapter 2

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The night air was cold, the spring weather still trying to shake off the effects of winter. For their night out, Dan and Phil had traveled to downtown London which was buzzing with people even long after the wave of dinner-goers had left. Now the city was alive with shoppers, each of them breathing out a puff of hot air into the night that nipped at exposed skin.

"Well, Phil," Dan says, surveying all the lighted streets and shops, "this is your idea, where are we going first?"

"I heard about this new place that just opened," Phil says, pink cheeks lighted up by the glow of his phone. "It's a combination of a coffee shop and a flower store. Apparently it's super cozy."

"That's... I've never heard of that before," Dan says, mildly impressed. "Where is it?"

"It's two streets over from here," Phil says, scrolling on his phone which was on google maps. He begins walking, Dan following right besides him.

As they walk, Dan takes a look at the city around him. In the day, the city looked dirty and suffocating, every corner covered with smoldering concrete and looming skyscrapers. By night, however, the city was lit not by blistering sun, but by soft, glowing lights and the shine of the moon. The tall buildings were dark and blended in with the night sky. Small shops and tiny buildings now took center stage. Gone were the loud street performers and venders yelling themselves hoarse. The city was now clothed in an air of relaxation, it's busy duties done.

They arrive in front of a little building, the warm aesthetic screaming coffee shop. The sign hanging on the front window was wooden with the word "Open" written elegantly. In the window there was a table with a small watering can bursting with flowers, self-advertising the natural feel of the shop.

"It looks pretty cozy," Phil says, walking forwards and opening the door. The comforting smell of coffee washed over Dan, making him forget his usual anxiety of being in a new place. Mixed in with the coffee, though, was the unmistakable smell of nature.

The little shop was unlike anything Dan had seen before. Everywhere he looked there were little plants and flowers, all of them very alive and very pretty. Vines were strung and festooned everywhere, potted plants hung as commonly as lights, and flowers adorned every surface. The furniture gave off a rustic vibe, and looked cozily inviting. Candles flickered from various places, providing little light but adding to the warm vibe. There were three or four displays for flowers, which were right next to the tables and chairs. Dan imagines how nice it would be to drink your beverage with the smell of flowers right next to you.

"This might be my new favorite place ever," Phil breathes, eyes awed and mouth open slightly. Dan smiles and begins to nudge him forwards towards the line for ordering. Once they were at the front, they both ordered hot chocolate, not wanting to consume caffeine so late at night.

"How is it?" Dan asks after Phil had braved his first sip of the hot beverage. They had grabbed a small two person table which was decorated with a small log with a slit in it for napkins.

Phil leans back in his chair with a sigh. "This is officially my new favorite store."

Dan agrees. "I would come here and not even buy something. It would be good for studying or getting work done."

"Or just relaxing," Phil says, poking the green leaf of a plant hanging by him.

"Speaking of work," Dan began hesitantly. He didn't really want to tell Phil what Ronald had told him today, but he knew he had to. Phil would be very upset if he found out from anyone else but Dan. "Our head physician is assigning a select few doctors and nurses to work strictly with the cardidenturiatus patients and no where else. He said it's to limit the number of interactions with the disease or-"

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