The road to Wrestlemania

Start from the beginning

Scott: You still love me tho.

Alexa: I wonder sometimes.  You should hurry up so we can grab a bite to eat before the show. 

Scott: Can do babe. 

~At the restaurant~

Scott and Alexa arrive at a small mom and pops place. They walk in while holding hands and the waitress shows them to their seats. They sat in the back as to not be disturbed by fans, they ordered their food and began having some small talk. 

Alexa: Scott I have something I want to ask you. 

Scott: I am all ears. 

Alex: So we have been together for over two months now and I was wondering if you would like to visit my parents after Wrestlemania? They have been asking when we were going to come so they could meet you. 

Scott: I think that will be a great idea.

Alexa: perfect! They are going to love you. Just like I do. 

Scott: *Smiling* Wait, you love me? 

Alexa: *Playfully smacks his hand* To infinity and beyond. 

As the food came, they enjoyed being able to spend time just the two of them as they knew with Wrestlemania weekend was coming up that it was going to be almost impossible to do. 

~At the Arena~ 

Alexa is in the women's locker getting ready for tonight.  She will be the Special guest referee in a Match that will be Scott vs Baron Corbin. Scott won a pick your poison match on Smackdown to name the stipulation. Scott was in wardrobe picking up his specially made outfit for tonight. He heads back to the men's locker room secretly to get ready. 

~Main Event~

Alexa was waiting in gorilla and she kept looking for Scott to wish him good luck but was unable to see him. She asked Corbin but he just shrugged his shoulders. 

Spiteful played through the arena and the crowd cheered as Alexa walked out on the ramp wearing her ref shirt over her outfit. She does her normal taunt before walking down to the ring. She climbed into the ring and waited for the competitors to come out while smiling and waving to the fans. 

Ring Announcer: Introducing the special guest referee for the following match, from Columbus Ohio, The Smackdown Women's Champion Alexa Bliss!

I Bring the Darkness started to play as Corbin walked out to a Sea of boos from the crowd. He smirked and waved them off as he walked down to the ring. He walked around before finally climbing in the ring. Corbin pointed at Alexa and was saying something that no one could hear. 

Ring Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Kansas City, Baron Corbin!

Spiteful plays through the arena again and Alexa looked at the road crew who also didn't know what was going on. She looked up to the stage when the crowd cheered, Scott walked out onto the stage in an Alexa Bliss inspired outfit. He stood at the top of the ramp and did Alex's Signature hand taunt. He walked down to the ring with Alexa trying not to laugh. Scott climbed in the ring just like Alexa before he took his championship off and Placed it behind his head 

Ring Announcer: And From Indianapolis Indiana, He is the United States Champion, Scott The Reaper Wilson. 

~Bell rings~ 

Scott and Corbin circle each other before Baron lands a big boot out of nowhere. Corbin stares Alexa down as He climbs on top of Scott and begins to punch him in the face . As Corbin starts to stand up Scott locks him into the Cross face. He tries to keep Corbin in the middle of the ring but Corbin was strong enough to drag himself to the ropes. 

~End of the match~ 

Scott had Corbin outside on the table and he was climbing on the top turnbuckle. he stands up straight and connects with a diving elbow through the table. Alexa comes to check on the two. 

Alexa: Corbin you good? 

Corbin: *Grunting* Yep

Alexa: Scott? 

Scott: *Nods softly*

Alexa climbs back in the ring and begins the ten count. Both men slowly get to their feet and run in the ring to beat the count at nine. Corbin connects with the End of Days and goes for the pin but was only able to get a two count. He stood up and got in Alexa's face arguing with her. Corbin turned around and seen Scott charging him. He stepped out of the way and Scott was able to catch himself before running Alexa over. They looked at each other until Corbin hit a drop kick into Scott causing him to hit Alexa, knocking her to the ground. Scott pulled himself to his feet. Corbin went for another End of days but Scott was able to reverse and connect with Sweet Chin Music. 

Scott looked over to see Alexa beginning to get back up and he looked back at Corbin. Scott picked up Corbin and delivered another Sweet chin music.  He locked Corbin in the Cross face and pulled back with all his might as Corbin tapped in the middle of the ring for the victory.

 Alexa raises Scott's hand as The two embraced each other and shared a kiss. They were about to head to the back when Cult of Personality played though the Arena. Scott and Alexa look at each other before looking towards the stage. The crowd erupted when CM Punk walked out on to the stage. He was walking down to the ring and he climbed in to the ring.  The two men stared each other down as Scott lifted his United States championship, Both men Looked at the championship as Alexa separated them and walked backstage with Scott still staring CM Punk down. 

~Back at the Hotel~ 

Scott and Alexa were watching a horror movie that Scott found. Alexa has her head buried into Scott's Chest and only peaking at the screen. Scott knew a jump scare was coming so when he felt Alexa Jump and hide her face he started laughing. She playfully slapped him on the arm.

Alexa: Don't Laugh at me. You know I get scared easily. 

 Scott: Babe, its only Chucky. 

Alexa: Doesn't make it less scary. Anyways, Do you think you will facing CM Punk at mania? 

Scott: I really hope so. That would be one of my dream matches.

Alexa: I think you two could have one of the best matches in Wrestlemania History.

Scott: You think so? This is the guy that changed the wrestling world 10 years ago. 

Alexa: Absolutely, And I am going to be right by your side when you raise that championship at Mania.  

Scott: *Kisses Alexa* You are right. Its you and me versus the world. * points at the screen when he sees Chucky*  Look your twin is on the screen again. 

Alexa:*smacks Scott in the back of the head* Really? 

Scott turned the TV off and Picked Alexa up and carried her to bed. He then slid in next to her while she snuggled up to Scott. 

Scott: I Love You Alexis.

Alexa: I love you too Scott. 

Scott: Good night. 

Alexa: Good night baby. 

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