Chapter 2

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„Please sit.“ Detective said and Simon sat and put me on his lap. I never saw Simon like this but I must admit it felt really nice and warm. 

„Do you have any idea who would try to kill you?“ 

„No, not at all. But now when I’m on TV it can be millions of people.“

„Yeah, but usually in cases like this, people you knew in past would do something like this. You had problems with anyone in past? Ex-boyfriends? Husbands?“

„No…“ I said, but actually I had a lot of problems with someone. 

„Paula, you’re hiding something. Tell us that.“ Simon said and squeezed my hand. Sometimes I just hate the fact that he knows me this well. 

„Um… Okay… I had a lot of problems with my ex-husband Brad.“ I said quietly and tear rolled down my face. Simon hugged me tight. 

„What happened after divorce miss Abdul?“ Detective Brown asked.

„He kept coming to my house saying that if I don’t give him my daughter he’ll kill both of us.“

„You have daughter?“ Simon asked.

„Yeah. But I had to give her for adoption.“ I said while crying my heart out. It hurts so much to talk about it again. 

„I’m looking through your divorce papers and I can’t find any daughters in here.“ 

„It’s because she isn’t his daughter at all. She is a daughter from marriage I had before him.“ 

„Why did he wanted her then?“ 

„He was using her as reason for me to stay with him. He would say that if I don’t stay with him, he’ll kill her. He knew she meant to me more than anything in this world.“

„What’s her name Maddison Victoria and now she is Smith.“ 

„Okay miss Abdul, you can go home now. We’ll send police to be around your house if they come back.“ Detective said. 

„Okay. Thank you.“ I said and Simon and I left the room. I hugged him tight and cried. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. 

„Shhh… It will be fine. I won’t let him hurt you. I will be with you whole time, okay?“ 

„Okay, but you don’t have to do that, you know?“

„I know. But you’re my best friend and I need to.“

„Thank you.“

„You’re welcome poodle.“ We went home and I went to take a shower. When I got out of shower Simon called me to come downstairs to living room.

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