Living in the past

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"It's been 20 years since our home was taken away from us, the only place that I felt safe and secure in. So many memories are still haunting me, following me around like my shadow.

It's like I can hear all the kids running around the orphanage, their laughter! They called it their home! I called it my home! Indeed "Miracle House" was a home to us.

It was peaceful being there as we sang, danced and prayed together. Sometimes it's hard for me to recall any memory without shedding a tear.

I guess that's the reason why I never wanted to share this story in the first place, maybe I wasn't ready to face the reality! The fact that everything, this 'miracle', is in the past now, and it's time for me to move on.

But how do I do that? How do I move on knowing that my brothers and sisters were taken away from me and I never had a chance to even say goodbye.

The feeling itself haunts me to this!

Every day is hard, it feels like I lost a peace of myself, a part of me that I will never find again. To think how happy I was back then.

I never imagined this much pain can come out of something so beautiful. I somehow wonder, what if the orphanage never shutdown. Where would I be today?

Would I be the same person? With the same achievements?

Even back then I never perceived myself as a normal kid, nor do I see myself as a normal adult right now!

I think the orphanage must have changed me. I simply can't face the reality of life for what it is

now, not without expecting it to be as it was back then. The child in me still cries out to be taken back in time, when life was beautiful, when life was filled with hopes and dreams.

There was nothing more important to me than been surrounded by a family that actually loved me and accepted me for who I was.

See judgments were something we were not allowed to conserve in our minds. We were


reminded that we were all special and handpicked by God himself to become part of the orphanage family.

I believed it! I knew that I was lucky to be part of the "Miracle House" family.

Since I left "Miracle House" my life hasn't changed much and it has changed in a million ways." Said the seating in empty room with a tearful eyes.

My name is Muna Sisonke, I was born on the 5th of November 1990 ....This is my story!

PROJECT LIFE - The journal of a street kidOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant