I'm here for You

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"Yes, you are. I just heard you with my own ears. It was amazing. Your voice was very soothing." He said while following me over the microwave where his food was.

"Ok, but my voice isn't good enough to be a singer's. Plus I would never be a singer because all those people staring at me at once, scares me." I say as I hand him his food.

"Then your voice can just be on the track, that'll  work." He said with a big smile.

I just shook my head at him. "Oh Joonie." I say.

"What? Also, why that song? It's a very sad song, Hyung." He asked.

"Um…" I say not knowing how to answer. "Well… I like it because it represents me a lot."

His face goes to confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked, concerned.

"Well sometimes I feel like I hide behind a mask. I don't like to show anyone my weak side. So I often end up crying alone at night." I say looking down.

"Why? What weak side." He asked, sadden.

"Well, the side of me that fears everyday that Josh will come back. The side that cries a lot, but hates to cry in front of others. The side that puts on a strong face even when I feel weak. That weak side." I say while trying to not start crying. It's very overwhelming to talk about this to someone for the first time.

I feel myself being pulled into Joon's chest. He squeezes me tightly. I was very shocked. 

"It's ok to cry, Jin. And it doesn't make you weak for crying. It makes you human. We all have feelings of fear and sadness at times in life and the best thing to do sometimes is cry. But that doesn't make you weak."

"It lets you get your emotions out without saying words that might hurt you even more. Crying is the body's way to not only reduce emotional stress, but also process it. It also helps you tell others that you are hurting and you want those feelings to go away."

"I'm here, Hyung. I'm going to help you make those feelings go away. So cry all you want, Hyung. That won't change my mind that you are the strongest person I know." Namjoon said with a confident, but soothing voice.

Damn. Yoongi was right. He is great at giving inspirational words to someone in need. Because right after he finished talking, I felt all the feelings that I had been holding in for years, just being released through my tears.

I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed very tightly as I started to cry into his neck. I've never been able to have someone's shoulder to cry on because everyone had their own problems, so I just held it in and let them cry on my shoulder. It feels weird.

"It's ok, Jinnie. Let it all out." Joon said sweetly while rubbing my back and rocking me slowly.

Soon I was just sniffling on his shoulder. I didn't want to let him go. To me, this relationship was more than love, he was now someone that I absolutely needed to stay in my life. I needed him to be more than my husband or brick, I needed him to continue to be my guardian angel.

"Joonie, please don't ever leave me. Please. I won't be able to take it." I say with a hint of fear in my voice while hugging him tighter.

He hugs me tighter too "Don't worry, Jin. I'll never leave you." He said before kissing my forehead. 

I snuggled deeper into his neck. I felt him hook his arm under my legs and the other gripped my lower back. He picked me up.

"Come on. Let's go to sleep, it's late." He said as he walked towards the stairs of my house.

I laughed a little "You're talking like you know where my room is." I say to him while looking up at him.

"Well where is it then, Jinnie?" He asked as he reached the top of the stairs.

"Second door on the left." I say into his neck.

He walks to my door. After I opened the door, he walked in and gently sat me on the bed.

"I'm going to go turn off the lights and make sure everything's locked. Be right back." He said as he kissed my head and walked out the room.

I stand up and change into my pj's and set a pair out for Joon. After finishing changing I got into bed and let the warmth surround me.

After getting into bed, Joon walks in and smiles at me. He looked at the pajamas on the edge of the bed. "Are these for me, Jinnie?" He asked

"Yes, get dressed and lay down." I say as I get comfortable in the bed.

A minute or so later, I feel the bed dip from behind and then an arm going around my waist. I was then pulled backwards into a strong chest.

"Good night, Hyung." He said as he started to spoon me.

"Good night, Namjoonie." I say before falling asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜 💜 💜

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