I knew I had ti hurry so I sprinted over to the corner of the room and ripped open both bags. Thresh's had flour, yeast and some packet of liquid and then I knew instantly why he looked so well fed. There must be grain in the field that he uses to bake bread. His bag was useless to me. I don't have a clue how to make bread, but I could make other things if I wanted to.

I looked inside Cato's bag and found two suits of body armour, no doubt to cast protection over Katniss' arrows. I zipped up Cato's bag and hauled it over my shoulder, leaving Thresh's behind and walked around the cavern. I knew there had to be an exit. There was no way I was climbing up that hole again. I found a trapdoor in the roof and, by standing on a makeshift chair, I succeeded in opening it.

I hoisted myself up, listening intently to my surroundings and then I heard it, the clash of steel on steel. I ran towards the noise but making as little noise as I possibly could. I was now stalking Thresh. They both came into view and both had suffered injuries. Cato had a slash from the corner of his lip to the bottom of his chin and a slash to his shoulder. Thresh had a massive cut to his left arm and a graze to his leg. I stalked through the grass, tracking their fight with my eyes, pondering what to do. As I did, it started pouring down with rain. Great, I thought, just great, but on the bright side, Thresh won't see me coming.

Cato managed to draw Thresh closer to where I was out of pure luck. I burst out of the grass and slashed at Thresh's leg and it buckled underneath him, but he was quicker than I anticipated. He rolled over and stood up, deflecting Cato's blow. Cato and I regrouped, slowly parting and going either side of Thresh. He could see what was happening, but it was too late. Cato and I lunged at the same time. I thrusted my sword towards his gut and it glanced off the side. He screamed in pain and smacked my face with the back of his hand, causing me to fly a couple of metres, leaving me dazed.

Cato struck Thresh's shoulder, earning another yell of pain. Thresh swung his sword, almost wild-like. Cato ducked, but not quickly enough. It slashed the side of his already injured shoulder. His scream of pain made me grit my teeth and stand up. I realised that I was still holding Cato's and my bags and I quickly dropped them on the spot.

I planted my feet, lent back, and charged towards Thresh, my sword parallel with the ground in a lethal line. Thresh had his back turned to me as he was fighting Cato and didn't see me coming until the last second when my sword protruded through his stomach. I pulled it out as Cato slashed his sword along his head. Thresh's body fell, headless and lifeless. The cannon boomed through the thunder, making it very difficult to hear. My eyes flew to Cato. He groaned and swayed, obviously unstable.

He dropped his sword and leant onto a tree, careful not to let his shoulder touch anything. Luckily, it was his left, his non-fighting shoulder. I walked up to him and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe. When you fell down that hole, I was so worried." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." I told him, "But you're not. Look at your shoulder." He shrugged.

"Look at your jaw." He retorted back. I gave him a glare.

"I can't but I bet it's bruised." He nodded and I winced as he traced my jawline. Definitely bruised.

"Come on," He said, "Let's get out of here. I don't want to spend another damn minute in this damn field." I nodded. I felt the exact same way. I didn't trust this unnatural area, it was strange to me.

After a few attempts to get Cato steady, we managed to climb out of the field and into the forest where I felt safest. Cato dropped of my shoulder, exhausted, and leant up against a tree that sheltered us from the pouring rain. I forced him to take his jacket off. His shoulder was quite bad. I slung his and my backpack off my shoulder. I handed his to him and rummaged through mine. I found the first aid kit which I had luckily grabbed before the supplies exploded and searched through it. There were some bandages and some disinfectant cream. That will have to do.

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