Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: I get the surprise of my life

"And last but not least, this is the theatre room where we had to watch the remainder of the Hunger Games." I finished the tour. He nodded his head, looking impressed.

"Pretty big place." He commented.

"Yeah you think? It still gets bigger." A male voice I didn't recognise spoke behind us. Cato whipped around, pulling me with him. We turned around to meet a guy with dirty blonde hair and light hazel eyes. He was definitely one of 'those' boys. He wasn't in our Games, I started to think, but it was interrupted by Cato yelling at the top of his voice.

"Holy crap! I'd never thought I'd see you again!" I flinched out from under his arms as he surged forward and grabbed the newcomer in a brotherly hug. I guess they knew each other.

"Good to see you too mate!" The boy said. His voice was slightly deeper than Cato's, but definitely not as sexy.

"Alexis, meet Harry." Harry held out his hand. I took it in mine and shook firmly. He, like Cato, had a very firm grip. I can see him being from District 2.

"So you're his new girl hey?" Harry smirked and looked at Cato, seeming to approve of me. I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes. He looked at me. "What? The last time I saw Cato, he was having trouble getting a girlfriend. Besides, I watched the entire Games so I saw everything! Could you introduce me to the blonde?" Cato and I snorted at the exact same time.

"Glimmer?" Cato asked, unbelievingly. Harry nodded.

"She's my type of girl."

"What? Are you a man-whore that takes pleasure with moving from girl to girl in a matter of minutes?" I said, innocently. Harry nodded.

"Yep. Don't be disgusted. It's who I am. Plus, there are a limited amount of girls here, especially our age. It sucks man. You'll have no fun." He looked at Cato and shrugged. I narrowed my eyes even further.

"Um, Harry. Lexi's my girlfriend so I don't think I'm going to be parading around with any other girls." I smirked. Cato had taken on a new personality since entering the Games. He was no longer the arrogant, prideful boy from District 2. He was more than that, unlike his friend here. I decided to try and be nice, though I really didn't like him.

"So, why are you here Harry?" I asked, since the question was bugging me.

"I was in the 73rd Hunger Games. Killed by my fellow Career from District 1. We were in the final two."

"That sucks. So close, yet so far." His eyes narrowed slightly as they tried to detect the sarcasm in my voice. Obviously, the boys from District 2 aren't that bright as Cato proved many of times.

I saw Glimmer enter through a door down the corridor.

"Look Harry. There's your girl now go get her." I pushed him slightly as he turned around.

"Well, isn't she looking sexy today?" he asked no one in particular and walked over towards her, a confident gleam in his eyes.

"Sorry about him, he's my cousin. Never really liked him, but he's family so you kind of have to love him." He said, mentally apologizing for his cousin's stupid actions. I shrugged.

"No biggie."

Cato and I walked, hand in hand, to the dining hall. I saw Clove talking to a boy I didn't know. Marvel was shrinking back from the conversation, looking dejected and jealous. I smirked. If only he knew...

"Hey Josh!" Cato strode forward to greet the guy Clove was sitting with. He resembled Clove well. I wondered if they were related.

"Lexi, this is my older brother, Josh." She explained to me. I shook his hand. He looked and seemed a lot nicer than Harry. I couldn't help but think if I had seen him before. Marvel seemed to perk up at the mention that he was her brother and joined in the conversation.

"I haven't seen anyone I know yet." He said, solemnly.

"Marvel I'm sure you will. How many people did you know that died in the Games?" She spoke sweetly to him. Josh caught my eyes. He had a knowing smirk playing on his lips. He glanced over to Clove and Marvel the back at me. I shrugged mouthing,

'They should be.' He nodded slightly. All of a sudden, I was grabbed from behind.

If I hadn't recognised the violet eyes and the black hair, I would've of smashed them into oblivion.

"Danielle?" I asked, still confused about today's events with all the newcomers. She nodded. I grinned and we pulled each other into a tight hug. Danielle was my mother's best friend's daughter. She was five years older than me, so she was like my big sister I never had.

"How've you been?" She grinned, eying Cato. I narrowed my eyes.

"Good." I was about to say more when I spotted Marvel flying to the door to pick up a blonde girl.

I quickly stole a glance at Clove. She looked furious, but quickly hid it. I looked at Josh. We smiled and nodded.

'Can they just go out already?' He mouthed. I nodded, grinning. Cato noticed that Josh and I were almost on the brink of exploding into laughter and he looked confused. I pointed to Clove, and then Marvel. His eyes lit up and he grinned, sharing the joke.

The dining hall was full of commotion. People from many other districts came in, greeting people from our Games. There was an estimate of 50 people in here. It was starting to hurt my head a bit. Too many people talking, screaming and laughing at the same time. I sat down on the nearest chair and rested my head on the table. Cato sat down next to me, his face full of worry.

"Hey babe. Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded and glanced at the girl from 7; the girl I killed. She embraced someone; a boy who could pass as her twin brother... Brother.

I shot up. Cato looked at me in worry. Danielle nodded. She knew what I was thinking.

"Downstairs. Level 67." I nodded and raced to the door. I faintly heard several pairs of feet running after me. Cato quickly caught up with me.

"Lexi, what's wrong? What are you doing?" I ignored him and continued running down the stairwell until I got to Level 67. I saw Cody outside the door. He had been expecting me.

"About time." He said, before leading me through Level 67. He stopped me just outside the dining hall. I knew this because this level had a similar layout to my own. Cody faced me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"He's still a bit unstable from... you know." I nodded. He had been torn to shreds, like Cato, but worse, "He's been waiting for you. Go." Cody stood up straight. I looked behind me to see who had followed me down here. Cato, Marvel and Clove all looked confused. Josh and Danielle seemed to know what was going on. Now I know why Josh looked familiar. He had been the boy trying to save my brother from getting ripped to shreds by a mentally unstable tribute, without success. He had also died in the process.

"Go," Josh said quietly, "He wants to see you." Clove and Cato now looked extra confused. I ignored them and turned around. I entered the dining hall with my hoard of followers behind me.

I saw one person, sitting all alone at the table closest to the window. He turned around as he heard me enter. His brown hair, the same colour as mine, was worn the exact way I remembered it. Slightly shaggy, past his ears and slightly over his eyes, his blue-green eyes, exactly the same as mine, shone from just under his fringe. He grinned as he realised who I was.

"Lexi." His eyes filled with tears.

I managed to choke one word out,


End of Book 1


Wow it has been a while. There is no excuse in any book that I can give you. This was written ages ago, but never published. I'm sorry.

Anyway. I hope you enjoyed the first book. Yes there will be a sequel. Obviously. I can't leave a book there.

I hope you guys aren't mad at me.


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