Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Reaping

I entered my house, finding my mother and father standing by the dining table, a piece of exquisite mahogany. I knew they wanted to talk about the coming events. I decided to sit down. Knowing it was going to be a while.

"Alexis," I knew it. They were going to persuade me otherwise, "We know you want to be a part of the Games this year." I looked up. My father spoke solemnly, "And you know, ever since your brother died, we have disapproved. But this year, we have watched you train, day and night, watched as you were sent on your first assassin mission, and succeeded."

Could I be hearing wrong. Were they going to say I was allowed to go? My father was done talking; it was now up to my mother.

"With much discussion, we have decided. If you wish to be a part of the Games this year, we will not hold you back. You want to prove yourself, so go. We will be with you every step of the way."

I looked up and smiled.

"Thank you!" I said, "I will not let you down. I will make you proud!" They both beamed and we all hugged tight.

"You'd better get ready then. Better look nice if you're going to the Games." Said my father.

I ran up to my room, not believing my ears. I was going. I was actually going this year. I would not let my district down! This was our year. Our year of victory! I opened the door and gasped. There, on my bed was a beautiful red pleated dress that would most likely come up to a couple of inches above my knees. I slipped it on and fell in love with it immediately. I had always loved red on me, especially with my dark hair.

I slipped on some bright red ballet flats, I never bothered with heels. I was really tall, for a girl anyway, without them. My mother came in with her best dress on. A silvery white dress that flowed to halfway down her shins. She wore it so well. I watched as my mother did my hair. She twirled it up, into a bun and then secured it with a red ribbon.

We both walked into the dining room again, Father was waiting there, tapping his watch in mock impatience. We left together, but as we got to the square, I had to get my finger pricked and sorted into gender and ages. I was one of the last to arrive, so there wasn't much waiting.

I watched as the previous victors came in. I stared at Alec. He still looked slightly upset but I ignored him. The Mayor came up and for what seemed like the billionth time, introduced the Hunger Games, the Dark Days and what not. Finally, he introduced Ellie Tanger, who was to select the two tributes for this year's Games.

"Welcome everyone of District 15. Happy Hunger Games and May the odds be ever in your favour!" She moved closer to the bowl containing the girls' names. She placed her light pink hand into the bowl, twirling it around, teasing us all. Finally, she chose one and whipped it out quick. She moved back over to the microphone.

I watched eagerly as she unfolded the paper.

"This year's female tribute is... Cassidy Drewey." I literally gasped. Cassidy was Alec's mentally and physically disabled sister. I could not believe that they would even consider her. I pushed through the crowd as moans started and yelled as loud as I could,

"I VOLUNTEER!" No matter what I believed, even though I did want to go, I would never let Alec's sister go in. Never! I strode to the stage, fuming at the Capitol. How dare they prey on the weak like that?

As I strode to the stage, I felt like my brother. He and Alec had both been twelve during the 67th Hunger Games. It had actually been Alec's name drawn out that year, but my brother refused to let his friend go. He took his place. Alec was screaming for him to stop but my brother was determined. It didn't save Alec from much. He was recalled the next year.

I climbed the stairs steadily, after reassuring that Cassidy was safe in her mother's arms.

"What is your name dear? Everyone must be so excited. District 15's first volunteer since the 67th Hunger Games!" Ellie said with a delighted giggle.

"Alexis Harridan." I doubt she remembers my brother, seven years ago, when he volunteered. Ellie smiled and moved towards the boy's bowl.

"Now for the boys!" She placed her hand in the bowl with delicacy again, but this time, she dug deep until she found one she was satisfied with. She strolled back to the microphone with a triumphant look in her eyes.

"The boy's tribute is... Cody Drewey."

I felt winded. I struggled to force my hands by my side when all I wanted to do was hide my face in them. I felt so sorry for Alec and his mother. Their father died, years ago, before Alec was chosen. To be honest, I didn't know him as well as I should. I was nearly always over their house or them over mine. I knew he was around the same age as me and I could pick him out anywhere. His white blonde hair reflected the sun so brightly. He looked nothing like the rest of his family, but apparently he was a dead ringer for their father.

No one volunteered. He walked up to the stage, showing no emotion, not even in his eyes. He was deep in thought. Cody was the same age as me, 16, was strong, bulky and kind of a player. No. That is an understatement. He is a man whore. The amount of girls he goes through with is unbelievable. It also helps him that he is incredibly good looking; even I have to admit that, though I would never go for him. Not even if my life depended on it, which right now, it does.

If there was any guy I would hate to be in the arena with, it would've been Cody. But stiff, he is now my district partner and I have to be nice to him.

"Ok Tributes! Shake hands." Squealed Ellie with delight. I held out my hand and Cody grasped it firmly. We stood there for a while, looking into each other's eyes and sensing the determination and then I lost my concentration as he let out a smirk. The checking-me-out-kind of smirk. I was disgusted but smiled anyway. We let go and faced the crowd as their cheers echoed over the mountains.

Then, Cody and I were pushed into the Justice Building by Ellie and taken to separate rooms to say our goodbyes. The last time I was in one of these rooms was to say goodbye to Alec, and wish him good luck, now, it's me going instead. All the goodbyes were a blur. I could not remember one thing, apart from my parent's final words:

"Good luck, stay safe." After they exited of their own accord, since we have no Peacekeepers. I met up with Cody again and we walked to the train together.


So, this is chapter 2. Though no one has commented as of yet, I'll keep posting it anyway.

So if you like it, please comment. I would really appreciate the support. :)


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