13- I will only go with you by my side .

Comenzar desde el principio

"What?" Jhope shocked.

"But how can your grandpa select any random girl for you!? He didn't even know me? How can he chose me just like this!?" Taehyung confused as hell too.

"That I didn't even know, taetae. I don't know why my grandpa selected you as my bride? I was also shocked."

"You can refuse too," Jhope said.

"I tried, Hyung. But, my grandpa was very stubborn when he hell band to get what he wants."

"But, I don't get it. Why you did not choose a life partner for yourself? You have a wonderful social life as you said, you can choose any girl for you." Taehyung doesn't know why he didn't like jk's social image like this.

"That's the problem, taetae. I don't have any serious relationship. Yes, I dated a lot of girls but I was never felt attached to anyone. I don't believe in love and marriage you see!"

Taehyung can't believe it! jk, as an only child of a famous family of his country, didn't have any serious relationship?

He somehow disturbs by jk's open confession about his lots of flings!

"I see, You are quite a piece to understand jk. I will also do the same if I was in your grandpa's place. No gentleman can afford to jeopardize his family's name and reputation for an untamed generation like you." Jhope also not like how jk simply stated he didn't believe in marriage.  It shows how poorly he was raised,

"But, what now, jk? You can see it's all just a coincidence! Maybe destiny playing with us but now as you know, I'm not a girl, you can tell your grandpa about it. I'm sure he understands."

"I don't think so, taetae, You don't know my grandpa. He challenged me to find out that girl, and came back to him within a month! He even put a condition that I can't use my power to find you. He even snatches all my money and luxury as he wants me to prove myself to him, as a deserving person to inherit his legacy after him! He doesn't believe me if I just tell him that you are a boy, and that's why his selection is invalidated. He would think, I made a story to prove him wrong,"

"You sure gave him enough reason not to believe in you anymore, I am sure about this." Jhope looking at jk with so much disappointment.

"Maybe you are not completely wrong, Hyung, but in all honesty, I will never hide anything from him. If I am in some serious relationship, I would tell him by myself. Maybe, I'm too used to the luxury or facilities around me but it's not my fault that I was born in that family which loaded with so much richness! Even though I was not a responsible person for society, I never deceived anyone, never cheated on anyone. I was honest with my every flings about my nature and intentions. That's the reason, I don't believe in that type of feeling. Maybe that's why my grandpa forced me to tie down with anyone."

"I understand, jk. But this is not the situation here. What am I tried to say, you have to convince your grandpa about this mess. There is no other way to get out of it."

"I know, taetae but if you could come with me, he easily believes in my story. Once, he saw you by himself, he understands, he did a mistake, and he stops bothering me further with this marriage crap and all."

Jhope doesn't like the tone of jk. He can see this boy is too pampered and spoiled. He is untamed and blunt.

"No, taetae will not come with you. He is not responsible for your mess, so he doesn't need to justify you too. He is not the part of your story from the start so you don't need him to prove yourself right and your grandpa was wrong. Do whatever you want by yourself. My brother is not going to defend you in any way," Jhope gave his ultimate decision for taehyung...

Jk looking at him speechless. He glanced at taehyung and look at him as helpless as he was in front of his grandpa!

"Please, don't mind him, jk, but I really can't go with you. I need to be here for my farms.  I can't leave my duty as a farmer for even for my profession! Please, try to understand. If you want, you can use my picture to convince your grandpa but I just can't go with you."

Jk thinking hard for a while. He knows, his grandpa never believes him. Even if he uses taehyung's picture he still not convince. On contrary, he thought he is failed to prove himself as a rightful person for his legacy. He determines with something...

"And I will not go without you, taetae. I will wait for you to complete your duty. I even help you with it but please you also have to help me. I will go with you by my side only, that's it!"


I'm sorry for the delay in updating the story but I was too busy with my life right now. Forgive me for this and I will try to give post regularly from now onwards.

Please give love to this story and do comment and votes too...

Borahae 💜.

I'm not your Cinderella.( Taekook ff)✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora