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type came back to house.. though shocked a lot...he didnt expect that heir of canadian royal family is such a bastard..
tharn was lying on couch and snoring.. type covered him with duvet and moved to his room..

tharn grabbed his arm and made him sit on his head side..when type sat on couch tharn  placed his head in his lap.. type slightly brushed his hair..

*tharn, whats problem..tell me.. * type asked softly..

*nothing... just since a long time, we had not sit together.. thats why i want you to sit *tharn said.

silence prevailed between the two.. because sometimes silence is better to say words ...silence sometimes unzip all those hidden secrets which cannot be unveiled in words..

*where you had gone...in so hurry...and dont tell me as well....why..?tharn questioned

*aaa...mike wilson called and invited me at his home to show his work..but there was nothing.. there were only my pictures.. he was trying to be physical with me..a masked person appeared and helped me..tharn, he had made movie of naked heir and warned him that if he tried to disturb me again then the whole video would be viral...the face expression of that jerk were worth seeing..and he would pay penalty as well....
tomorrow cancel his contract ..and release statement that he is no more part of THYPE GROUP galleries.*type told..

*hmmm.dont do such mistake again...who knows that masked person would come to thy help or not* tharn said and both boys laughed loudly..

the day of anniversary finally came.. a great hustle bustle of people..who not only appreciated work of artists but a large numbers of paintings were sold as well..a big day..a big celebration was ended successfully..

Tharn asked type to go to dinner..type agreed ..
both boys ride in car to seaside...type was surprised..

a beautiful hut was glowing with candles and two person table with food was set..
a bouquet of white yellow roses was on table..tharn dragged chair for type...though surprise but accepted and sat..on otherside tharn sat.. symphony of waves were entertaining both boys..
dinner was eaten with silence beats..

after dinner, tharn left seat and stepped towards waves who were hugging shore again and again..type followed him..
*thankyou for dinner..it was unexpected nice one ..your partner would enjoy such dates definitely... *type said.

*so, do you enjoy the dinner date * tharn asked..

*what* type was surprised..

*dont be surprised..i bring you here to discuss but to tell you something..
type, i am in love with you..from the day i came to know that we are friends..i hide this from you because you were interested in business..so i had a satisfaction that no one is around you..
but the presence of mike wilson insecured me..i had seen lust in eyes when he saw you...
on that day, when you left ...i followed you..no guards were seen..i jammed the cameras..and entered house..he was harrasing you...so the black masked man was me....
type i love you..how much i have no idea.. i have no idea whether you accept my proposal or not..but i want to be your shadow..i want to be carpet under your shoes.. i want to be your jacket to protect you from all hazards..i dont know what you have in your heart ..tharn said while seeing the glowing face of type

tharn cupped type face with both hands *i pursue you till my last breath...give me chance please..*

type though surprised but confession of tharn made him feel secured as well.
*it was you on that day.*type
said while tapping his hands on tharn hands.

*do you forget that i learn kungfu as well and excel in handling gadgets* tharn asked while seeing type face

*you love me... why you hide it..we had been living together but we hide our feelings from each other..i always thought that i love you..and didnt tell you because fear of rejection and end of friendship stoppedme from this confession..if you today not confess then in few days i was going to confess my feelings for you*..type choked

tears were shedding from eyes..type kissed tharn hands..

*tharn  ,i am in lovewith you..i have no idea about tomorrow..for next tomorrow but i want to spend whole life with you..just with you.. i want you just you...type said..

he hide himself in embrace of tharn... red eyes of tharn were sparkling with pleasure..he gently wrapped his arms around type kissed his head
*i am yours till my last breath..how many life i have , all are yours..*

both friends had finally confessed their feelings...unwrapped the wrapped ego.

*type , lets go home..* tharn said softly.

on reaching home, faces of both were sparkling.. both went in their rooms..freshen up..but a new beginning of confession had disappeared sleep but filled eyes with image of each other..

type left the room and entered in tharn room... tharn on listening the door open , closed his eyes... type quietly slipped in bed placed his head on ae arm...

* are you fine if i sleep here from today* type whispered and kissed forehead..tharn placed his leg over legs of typd ..
*welcome to your own room baby* and kissed head ...

a new beggining of lovebirds was started with symphony of waves on bed of shore..


to be continued


🌷I U MEANT 4EVER (complete) 🌷(tharntype🎀mewgulf)🌷by🌷 k.bunny🌷Where stories live. Discover now