Chapter 26: The Khaos Brigade

Start from the beginning

Michael: If that's Excalibur then why didn't Irina and Xenovia return it to the church?

Irina: That's because it doesn't belong to the church, it belongs to the Pendragons no matter what you do nobody but them will be able to lift that sword 

Michael: I see...

Issei was suddenly blown out of the room causing everyone to turn around and see Vali with his hand stuck out

Azazel: Vali?

Vali: Sorry Azazel but things look so much better on this side

Sizechs: You side with the Khaos Brigade?

Azazel: I had my suspicions you had done so

Vali: *Chuckles* You were always such a fool my true name is Vali Lucifer descendant to the original Lucifer and wielder of the white dragon emperor!

Rias: Impossible!

Azazel: I see, so your part devil and human so in reality your existence is a joke!

Vali blitzes past everyone and spreads his dragon wings

Vali: I prefer the term miracle 

They hear explosions and turn to see Arthur landing in front of Ophis on his feet with Y/n standing about 10 feet opposite him 

Y/n: So how does it feel being on the losing side?

Arthur doesn't say anything but nods at a blonde who had a slim body, shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes.

Her attire consisted of a sorceress-like dress with a huge blue hat with a black bow and yellow stars and a matching cape with pink flowers and a white interior. 

Mordred: Who the hell is that?

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Mordred: Who the hell is that?

Arthur: That's my sister, Le Fay Pendragon

Mordred: Is this some kind of joke? Le Fay Pendragon? Arthur Pendragon? What's next a fake Siegfried?!

Y/n: I'm done messing about

Arthur: So we're finally getting serious?

Y/n: Damn right 

Ophis: Arthur

Arthur: What is it Ophis?

Ophis: Remember we shouldn't kill them, we're merely here to capture these two 

Arthur: Right

Y/n and Arthur disappear from their spot sparks flying off everywhere as the sound of two weapons clashing fills the area.

Ophis then floats and faces the faction leaders

Ophis: Vali deal with the Red Dragon Emperor

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