chapter 5

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Wow that's so cool , can you teach me as well?

Am I doing it right?

Don't worry you will get better soon

Spade POV

I wake up to the sound of the alarm clock. But I still feel tired probably because I had an adventure last time.

King Dice: I am surprised to see you awake

Spade: I maybe a heavy sleeper but a simple noise of the alarm clock can wake me up .

King Dice: well go and get change I will make breakfast for you

Spade: ok then

I went the bathroom and took a shower then changed my clothes. I went to the table to see Dice was making bacon and Eggs . While it gets ready I started to think about the dream I had .

Spade mind: I wonder what's that dream about? The voice I heard sounds familiar

King Dice:(gives them the food) well I had a odd dream as well

Spade:(started to eat) well what's it about?

King Dice: I don't know all I heard was voice but none of them seemed familiar to me

Spade: that happens to my dream as well but one of the voice sounds familiar

King Dice: hmm it could be possible that we are remembering or sharing our memories

Spade: what do you mean by sharing?

King Dice: well it's hard to explain but it's like you are experiencing my memory while I am experiencing your memory

Spade: hmm that could be possible. Let's think about it during break and it's best if you remain hidden because I am not sure weither the Devil can see you or not.

King Dice: that would be wise . I will remain hidden when I see him

Spade: ok so I need to do the same thing as always

King Dice: well today you have to seal some soul contract from the devil and he might be irritating sometimes

Spade: ok then

I started to do my usual work after that I went to Dice office to see a pile of paper on the table. Dice seems to be pretty annoyed

King Dice: Are you kidding me? He was supposed to do it himself. It will take ages to get it done

Spade: let me guess he is a lazy furball

King Dice: yep and I had to deal with this s****

Spade:(sit down) well let's get started but I need your help because I have zero idea about it

King Dice: alright then let's start arranging them

(Five hours later)

Spade: I hate this so much .

King Dice: same here

Spade: you have got to be kidding me we only finish half of it . Ahh this would have been faster if there is some music in this room, the quiet atmosphere is killing me

King Dice: can't you just imagine it

Spade: I could but only you are going to enjoy it

King Dice: well that is true...why don't we seal the soul contract

You Are King Dice now (Reader Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora