Chapter- 20

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???: That's a sad ending kid

Y/n: well not every story has a good ending and I am still working on the last chapter Kingsley

Kingsley: yea true I am curious what happened to them

Y/n: you have to wait for that

Kingsley: let's go or we might be late for work spade

Y/n: yea lets go King

Kingsley: say I noticed that card you always carry with

Y/n: you mean this ?

Kingsley: yea the empty Ace card .

Y/n: well ....all I remember is that someone gave it to me .....and

Kingsley: and you feel like it's important to you ?

Y/n: (nods)

Kingsley: it's ok I understand

Y/n: let's go we don't want to be late

Narrator pov

Meanwhile back in inkwell island the sun started to rise and everyone starts to wake up . A lone die head wakes up gets ready then started to walk to the casino. People greets him and he greet them back . He did his usual work like always and nothing seems out of the ordinary

Duke: your still thinking about it aren't you ?

King Dice: sigh it will take time Duke

Duke: King it's already been what few months or so . You really need to get over with it

King Dice: easy for you to say

Duke: sigh your not the only one sad about it (leaves) they wants you to be happy

King Dice: ...... I know

???: Well you seem sad sir is something the matter

King Dice: (looks at them) ...........(surprised)

???: Is something wrong ?

King Dice: (calm himself down ) no it's nothing just miss a old friend of mine

???: Ah I see we are in the same boat

King Dice: really now ?

???: Yes I miss a old friend of mine but sadly he doesn't remember me well I don't blame him since it has been years since we last met

King Dice: I see ...

Datch: ....bro that's them

King Dice: who ?

Duke: the old friend we told you about

That made Dice really surprised and he doesn't know how to react to it

???: (Smile) looks like they gave give you a remainder

King Dice: ....yea

It was silent between them since both of them don't know what to say until

Datch: (hugs ???) Hey pal long time no see

Duke: idiot don't hug them you don't even remember them

Datch: well we do remember they were our friends so who cares

???: Hehe glad to see you as energetic as ever Datch

King Dice: thanks for that

Datch: no problem

King Dice: so um sorry I don't seems to remember much about you

???: It's ok I understand so let's start over again

King Dice: (smile and eyes turn green) sure My name is King Dice

Datch: I am Datch

Duke: Duke

They give a sweet and gentle smile as their eyes change (f/c)

???: Pleasure to meet you all My name is Y/N and Long time no see D

It seems like both of them had met their friends in their own dimension . Both of them know they aren't the same person but they are happy


A/n: the story is finally done . If you didn't like it then I am sorry for the really short ending . I didn't want to over do it because it might not make sense at all . So I tried to be sure about it . But I hope you all enjoy the story and thank you for reading it .

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