Uzumaki Naruto x Reader: Ending

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1st Ending: Sad Ending

"Naruto, Sakura, your body is glowing!" You exclaimed.

"Naruto, we must've have broke Madara's Genjutsu!" Sakura exclaims.

"That means, we can go home!" Says Naruto.

You suddenly got sad as you look at your body. It wasn't sparkling or glowing like their bodies.

"But I can't..." You said sadly.


"Why not? We broke his jutsu didn't we? So why?" Naruto ask.

"Naruto... I think it's because I've lived here for too long" You cried.


You started to tear up as you hug Naruto tightly. Naruto did the same. You didn't want to let him go, not after meeting him again like this.

"Don't go Naruto! Please... Don't leave me alone!" You cried.

"Y/N... You should know" says Naruto.

"Naruto... Don't go please..." You cried.

Naruto kisses your forehead and whispers to you that made your eyes widen with tears. Naruto then says goodbye to Minato and Kushina who were by Menma's side.


"Y/N... I'll miss you so... It's best if you move on" says Naruto.

You cried hard as Naruto and Sakura were starting to disappear.


You yelled as they disappeared. You cried while continue to say out his name. Your heart ache badly. You fell to the ground while clutching your shirt.

"Naruto... I love you too" You mumbled.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Sakura made it back to their world.

"Y/N couldn't come?" Sakura ask.

Naruto doesn't say anything but silently cried as he remembered her last words to her.

"Y/N... I love you. So so much. I wish we could have go on dates together"


2nd Ending: Happy Ending

"Naruto, Sakura, your body is glowing!" You exclaimed.

"Naruto, we must've have broke Madara's Genjutsu!" Sakura exclaims.

"That means, we can go home!" Says Naruto.

"That's great..." You said.

Just then, Naruto stretches out his hand to you and showes you his signature smile.

"Come with us Y/N!"

Your eyes widen as you place your hand with Naruto's and your body started glow like theirs.

"M-My body...!"

You were beginning to cry with joy as the thought of you going home got the best of you. You then turn around and walk towards Kushina and Minato.

"Kushina-san. Minato-san..."

"You have to go back don't you?" Minato ask.

"I wasn't originally from here. Thank you for taking care of me all these years" You said and gave them a hug.

"You take care. And with that kid too-dattebane" says Kushina.

"Arigatou and I will Kushina-san. Sayonara Menma" You said.

You then head back with Naruto and Sakura where you two disappeared from Madara's Genjutsu world.

Naruto gasp as he looks around. He and Sakura were at the same place that Madara were. He started to panick when he couldn't see you anywhere.

"We're back right?" Sakura ask.

"I think so. But where's Y/N?" Naruto ask.

Meanwhile, you open your eyes and found yourself somewhere a little further from Naruto and Sakura. You look around.

"T-This is the place..." You mumbled.

You were at rhe place where you had fell and 'died'. You look around but no sign of Naruto or Sakura.

"Naruto... Where are you? NARUTOOOO!!!" You yelled.

Just then, you heard the bushes rustling and you got defensive. You eventually relax when it turn out to be Naruto. Your eyes widen as you run towards him and engulf him in a hug.

"Naruto! I-I'm back!" You exclaimed.

"Welcome back Y/N" says Naruto.

You smiled while crying happy tears. You then Bury yourself into Naruto's arms and you longed for his presence.

"I love you Naruto" You confessed.

Naruto was shock but eventually blushed.

"I love you too Y/N" He confessed back.

That night, Naruto and Sakura reported the incident to Tsunade and she gladly accepted you back even if she may not have known you.

The next morning, Naruto and Sakura had gathered everyone and obviously shock to see you. You then explained everything to them and later announcing that you and Naruto are dating.

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