Becky: What did you tell him?

Buddy: She told me to leave her alone but she should already know I'm not going to give up on us. 

Alexa: Mathew, there is no us anymore. You screwed that up when you treated me like crap by making me feel like I was unwanted. I am now with someone that treats me like I deserve to be. You no longer have a chance. Please just leave me alone. 

Buddy: Just hear me out. I want us to talk this out. you really want to throw 5 years away for some punk?

Becky: Hey! She said to leave her alone! she don't want to talk to you. 

Buddy: Why don't you shut your mouth and stay out of other people's business. 

Alexa: Don't talk to her like that! 

Buddy: *Grabs Alexa by the arm* You know better than to raise your voice at me!

Becky: *Texting* Scott, get to makeup now. Buddy is here and it looks like it is going to get really bad. 

Scott: I'm on my way!

Scott runs out of the men's locker room as the rest of the looker room watches in confusion. As Scott arrives at the makeup department he sees Buddy has Alexa and Becky backed into the corner. Scott grabs him and throws him across the room away from the women. He gets in a defensive stance in front of Alexa and Becky. 

Buddy: You need to step out of the way, This is between me and Alexis. 

Scott: No, this is now between you and me. You put your hands on my girlfriend then you are going to answer to me. Plus what kind of coward puts his hands on a women. No wonder she left you. 

Buddy:  I wouldn't have to put my hands on her if she would just talk to me. 

Scott: I don't  care what you have to say to defend your actions. She said to leave her alone, so that's means leave. If you don't  I am going to make you!

Buddy: *Looks over Scott at Alexa* I cant believe you want to ruin 5 years. 

Buddy stormed off as Scott turned around and seen Alexa on the floor crying. Scott sat down next to  her before pulling her into a hug. Alexa buried her head into Scott's shoulder as they both just embraced each other. Scott stayed by Alexa's side while they fixed her makeup before he walked her to the locker rooms for both of them to get changed. 

~Start of the Show~

Scott and Alexa were sitting in gorilla while they were waiting for Alexa's match that will be starting of the show. Carmella walks by with the Smackdown Women's Championship and walks out on stage as Fabulous was playing through the arena. The crowd booed as she danced her way down to the ring. When she got into the ring and was handed a microphone. 

Carmella: Dallas, Welcome to Smackdown Live. *Holds championship above head* Guess who beat Charlotte for the Second time? ME. I beat Charlotte twice and still the Smackdown Women's Champion. Now that I am done with Charlotte, I am ready for my next Challenger for my Women's Championship. So for tonight only I will be issuing an open Challenge for my championship. So who thinks they are women enough to try and take my title? 

Spiteful plays through the arena as the crowd erupts when Alexa walks out on stage. She does her taunt before she walks down to the ring.  She climbs in the ring as the two women start arguing with each other before the ref separates them to opposite corners. Carmella hands the championship to the ref as she starts the match. 

~Bell Rings~

Alexa comes out strong as she delivers multiple clotheslines before she forces Carmella into the Corner. Eventually Carmella is able to fight back and lands a dropkick on Alexa. Carmella starts to moon walks while Alexa is trying to stand up. Alexa pulls herself up in the corner as Carmella runs at her for a clothesline. Alexa is able to move causing Carmella to run into the corner. Alexa delivers a suplex before connecting with insult to injury. She climbs to the top of the ropes and connects with twisted bliss for the 3 count. 

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