the story (still): the plan (phase 2)

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I took one final look at all my triple threat tonail clippers, maybe 3 greasy slaps, 1 bun, 4 pairs of used socks, a gentle mouse friend who doubles as an assault weapon, a man with a few too many toes, a cat mysteriously missing patches of fur, 187 sesame seeds that I stole from a coincidentally 187 years young old homeless man from big brundy dundus colorado, 1 tooth (not mine), 9 tickets, reusable, a wild disco party, and finally 8.6 adolescent trout (only 3 soon enough... but we will save that for another time).

And after that one look that took at that

Once i had looked at my so many of the uses (all so much in glue (btw does anyone hear that? Eh anyways)), i took one look at the smelly mess and i dove right in. It was like smelling all the smells of the glues and the uses and the chees of so many used glues all at once in a pot of tomato soup, it was a beautiful smell; and i knew immediately that joe's mind was nothing compared to the smell i had concocted; he was mine; in. (there's a preamble in here somewhere)

The story (still): The plan (phase 2):

Time to find this jonky jeeb. He usually hung around back of the Ol' Crackin' Knackin' Whackin' Knacks Jack Strack in the Track, where his friends Dusty Mcmusty Corn-husky' Frusky Bo-busky Pusky Husky Musky Crusky???? and Breezy Knees's Cheese Pleaser liked to hang out, in the back of the Ol' Crackin' Knackin' Whackin' Knacks Jack Strack in the Track. So i went to the back of the Ol' Crackin' Knackin' Whackin' Knacks Jack Strack in the Track first. But jilly jas was nowhere to be seen. So I decided to check out his second most common hideout: Proud Nation's Claymation of Barbation Train Station Senior Citizen Habitation Nation. It was round front of the Proud Nation's Claymation of Barbation Train Station Senior Citizen Habitation Nation where his friends hung out out front. The names were Dr. Marl Scarbar McCrandy-Ar and Nifty Ol' Shifty the Gimme Fifty, were the names of his friends, those ones who hung out out front of the Proud Nation's Claymation of Barbation Train Station Senior Citizen Habitation Nation. But he was nowhere to be found, out front of there that place and his friends. So I decided to make a last ditch effort. The third and final place he could be, known only as Gwitch Mitch's Tricky Switch Ditch, a place i could find him, the third one, with friends. Here ad Slitch Critche's Britch Nitch, his friends were hangin out in the Ditch, the friends known as Grong Trong Dorong Frongolonginong, and also the other one, Drandop Star Plop Stop'n Chop Crop. And there he was; I spotted that droopy, jowly face, like a melting orange skin, from a mile away. And there I was; he must have smelled me from a mile away. He turned his head to face me, nose to the wind, and I knew; we would finally be together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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