Chapter 8: Merula Snyde

Start from the beginning

"A little more work on the pronunciation, but well done."

Ben's turn came and he produced a light that lit up the entire classroom. Kenneth clapped immediately, congratulating Ben on a job well done.

"Very good, Mr. Copper!" squeaked Flitwick. "You just need more confidence in yourself, but that was fantastic!" Turning towardsKenneth, "Your turn, Mr. Russell. Please proceed."

Kenneth took a breath and calmed himself, just like when he casted theSevering Charm on the net of the siren that he saved weeks before.

Time to cast the Wand Lighting Charm, he said to himself. Hoping to cast a light at least as good as Ben's, he flicked his wand and roared "Lumos!"

The tip of his wand exploded with a ball of light so bright that it lit up the entire classroom. Almost every student had to shield their eyes from the light, it was like a sun was in the classroom.

"Well done, Mr. Russell!" Professor Flitwick squealed with excitement. "That's the best execution of the Wand-Lighting Charm I've seen from a first-year in quite some time. Ten points to Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindors in the classroom cheered and clapped at the reward.

"Nice work, Kenneth!" Rowan beamed, punching Kenneth's shoulder beside him. "I read everything I could find on the Wand-Lighting, and yours was still better. You're a natural."

"Thank's, Rowan," Kenneth said sheepishly, "you did good, too. Potion's is next, I have a feeling facing Snape won't be easy."

"That's all for today," Professor Flitwick said. "Class dismissed." As Kenneth was gathering his books and putting his wand away in his robes, he heard Flitwick say, "Mr. Russell, could I speak to you in private?"

"It's alright," Kenneth said to Rowan, whom looked worried. "I'll see you in Potions."

When all the students in the classroom left the room and closed the door, Kenneth approached the desk, extending his hand.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Professor Flitwick," Kenneth said formally. "I'm really looking forward to Charms."

"You're Mr. Russell," Flitwick said with an excited squeaky voiced, taking Kenneth's hand and shaking it. "If you're anything like your brother, you will do just fine. He was one of my most skilled students. That being said," he added with a more serious tone and look, "he was one of my most rebellious students. Which hurts me to ask this, but, are you going to follow the rules?"

Kenneth was taken aback by the question. He did not expect it. Calming down and keeping his composure he says "I'm only here to learn, Professor. I don't want start any trouble or bring attention to myself."

With Kenneth's response, Flitwick's gaze softened and then he smiled.

"Very well, Mr. Russell," nodding. "That's all for today. Off you go, it would be unwise to be late for Professor Snape's class."

Nodding to Flitwick, Kenneth leaves the classroom and heads down towards the dungeons. He hopes that no mention of his brother would occur for one day.

He was wrong. As he approached the classroom that lead to Potions, he came across two figures outside the doors. The dungeon was dimly lit and he couldn't make out the figures.

Wait, is that Rowan? He thought.

As he came closer he recognized that one voice did indeed belonged to Rowan. It looked like he was in an argument with someone.

I leave you for five minutes, dammit, Rowan!

But as he drew nearer, there was something in the story that didn't add up.

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