Chapter 7: Hogwarts Touring

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Kenneth awoke in the morning to the sound of Rowan's excitement of the starting classes. He was fine with it because Kenneth wasn't a morning person and he was a light sleeper, too. His bed was closest to the window and he was blinded by the bright rays of the morning sun.

"Wake up, Kenneth!" Rowan exclaimed excitedly. "You don't want to be late to your first class, do you?"

"Very tempting and plus it's Sunday." Kenneth responded, still half-asleep and tucking himself back into his feather pillow. He was dozing off until he felt a cold liquid go into his ear. Rowan had taken a cup and poured water into Kenneth's ear. "Alright, I'm up! I'm up!"

"Have you had a chance to look at your time schedule ?" he asks sarcastically, tilting his head to the side to get the water out of his ear.

"Yes!"Rowan said, "Can you believe it? Herbology with Professor Sprout,Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, Charms with Professor Flitwick, Flying Class with Madam Hooch and Potions with Professor Snape." He cringed at the last professor's name.

"Why the cringe?" asked Kenneth.

"Professor Snape is the Head of Slytherin house," Rowan responded. "He's known for being a really unpleasant teacher and always favouring his own house."

"Oh," Kenneth said in mock shock, he had heard about Snape from his parents. He was renowned for his potioneer expertise. "Does that mean he's a biased git?"

"Pretty much," Rowan said timidly. "Don't try to fight or cross him, I've heard he can be very nasty."

"We'll see soon enough. Where did you get your time schedule?"

"From Professor McGonagall downstairs." said Rowan pointing towards the spiral staircase. "She's gone now."

"If I hurry, I could catch her," Kenneth said jumping out of his bed.

"No need," Rowan assured, holding out a piece of paper. "I have yours here."

"But how di--" taking the paper.

"I asked her to give me yours to give to you because you were still sleeping." Rowan said giving the piece of paper to him. "Yours is the same as mine. What are you most looking forward to?"

"Well, I just want to learn new spells and potions as fast as possible, so I can use them to find my brother, and make sure he's safe. But Charms does sound interesting."

"We'll learn some really useful and powerful spells in Charms Class..." Rowan said rubbing his chin in thought. "Luckily we have Charms Class with Professor Flitwick first thing tomorrow! Since today is Sunday, why don't we get some breakfast and do some sightseeing so we at least know where every class is in the castle?"

"Sounds like a plan," Kenneth said. He got out of bed and went to retrieve his robes. "What the?" in surprise.

The robes that he laid down on the chair beside his bed were no longer there. They were now neatly placed on his nightstand and the lining that were once black, were now red. Putting on the robes and straightening them out, he noticed were exactly the same size. Going to the bathroom, he fixed his hair and wrings a damp cloth to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

Finally ready, he meets up with Rowan and says that he's ready to go. Going downstairs, they notice that all the first-years were lined up, ready to leave. At the front was Angelica.

"Everyone up?" she says, "Good." It seemed that Rowan and Kenneth were the last ones to arrive. "Because today is your first morning here, I decided to lead you back to the Great Hall for breakfast." There were murmurs of gratitude from the first-years. "Makes it easier to remember your tracks." she adds with a smile and a wink.

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