"I did kiss Midoriya... but only because I wanted to make sure of my feelings. As I thought, Izumi is the one I'm in love with. Kissing him didn't make me feel happy."

"The fuck are you saying? Of course kissing that nerd wouldn't make you happy!" Bakugo pointed out and had Izuku slumping. Why that comment depressed him he wasn't sure, but he just slithered away from the tension and let the problem resolve itself out.


"How the hell can you be alive?!" Izumi, shocked and frightened, stared at the tall intimidating man with the hideous scars over his face. "My dad-"

"Yes, your father has been bragging about that I see." He laughed. "Yet here I am... though I may have exaggerated some about being well, seeing as he left me in this pitiful state and in need of a successor." His smile wavered some as his anger increased. "I've been looking for someone who could take my place as leader of the underworld... But I've been unsuccessful in my search... until now that is."

He adjusted his gloves some peeking under the leather to see the scars there as well.

"Successor huh? Tch I knew Shigaraki Tomura was involved somehow." Izumi deduced.

"You'd think so, but no...You, Izumi Midoriya, are going to be my successor."

"What!?" Not sure if she heard him correctly or if he'd just plain gone insane, Izumi struggled against her bindings. "You gotta be shitting me!"

"Not at all..." he laughed and had her blood running cold. "When I learned All Might had children I spent years searching for you and your brother, but your father was good at hiding his secrets. It was only after your mother's death did I know for certain that you were his children."

"After...so...it WAS an accident that killed my mother?"

"I'd love to take credit for such a delicious blow to your father's heart...but no. Inko Midoriya was just one of many victims in a tragic accident."

That should have made her feel better, but it didn't. She had no one to blame, no one to take her grief and sorrow out on but sheer bad luck.

"Why me?" She asked suddenly. "What makes you think I'll do anything that you say or want!?"

"Because you already have." He laughed again enjoying the emotions spreading over that young impressionable face. "I wanted you to show yourself to me, and you did. I wanted you to be powerful and you are. I wanted you to have the same views of this world that I and many others share and you do. Best of all... I wanted you to inherit my power... and you have."

"I didn't inherit anything!" She was lining the pieces up... her grandfather's interrogation, the attack in Hosu, the doctor putting something inside her, and finally her strange new powers. It was all staged for her to become his successor. Fuck that! "You injected me with it! This is all your doing! I would have never-"

"You're missing the big picture here, Izumi-chan." All for One held out his arms. "Your quirk, One for All... it is a quirk that can pass power from successor to successor through generations. My quirk, All for One, is the original creator of that quirk. Like yours it can only pass down power to those from my own bloodline. My little brother, I thought he was quirkless so I gave him the quirk that would strengthen him, a quirk that enhances all his natural abilities. What I didn't know was that he already had a quirk. He had the quirk to share the strength with those of his bloodline... A useless quirk until I gave him that gift." There was some spite in his voice showing that he still held a grudge from that. "My brother is your direct ancestor... which means you are of my blood, Izumi. My quirk would not have manifested inside you had you not been one of mine."

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