"Now Ethan's gonna know I went deep diving into his feed." Ramona groaned

"Not to mention he was shirtless and kissing his grandmother." Jackson added, making the situation worse

"He's gonna think I'm some creepy stalker now. All because of your pudgy little fingers." She said, rushing out of the room

"Pudgy is a fun word." I laughed, making my way into the kitchen


"I really don't think this is going to work, Ramona. We both no my hands are to shaky to hold a camera steady." I said, as she dragged me down the stairs

"Well, someone has to do it. He can't know I went deep diving." Ramona groaned before noticing Jackson lounged on the couch, "Here, record me."

Jackson looked at her, confused, "What am I recording?"

"Just hit the record button." She said, moving me out of the way of the camera

I moved to take a spot behind Jackson, to make sure he could hold the camera stiller than I did.

"To whom it may concern, if you've received a random deep like on a really old Instagram post that would be super-creepy for me to be looking at, it's wasn't me. I was hacked." Ramona declared, looking into the camera, "Now, I'm not saying it was sophisticated Russian cyberterrorists. But I'm not saying it's nyet."

Jackson finished recording, slowly lowering the camera and giving Ramona a confused look

"Ethan will buy that, right?" She asked

"Hell no. You really think Ethan is gonna believe that somebody like Anonymous would hack you phone. You can't be the one saying it." I suggested

"If he did buy it, would you still want to go out with him?" Jackson asked

"No. Why does he have to be the first smart guy that I like?" Ramona groaned

"Can't say I've had that problem." I said

"Seriously. Why is it attack me day?" Jackson groaned

"You recorded your face the entire time." I said, pointing to Ramona's phone

"She didn't need to know that. Besides, why didn't you stop me?" He asked

"It was funny." I shrugged

Our attention moved to the front door, when it opened and Max walked inside, "Thanks, Captain Gene."

A loud honk came from outside as Max shut the door behind him.

"Wha- Did you get a ride home on a fire truck?" Jackson asked, "That's awesome."

"Not awesome." Max argued, showing no emotion whatsoever

"What happened?" Ramona asked

"I don't wanna talk about it." Max said, making his way upstairs

"Do you think the pool caught on fire?" Jackson asked, confusing both Ramona and I

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