No Escape ♛

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Farrah's POV

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Farrah's POV

Struggling to balance all the rally signs in my hand, Jackson continued to quickly nudge me down the living room stairs. I was helping Ramona out with the rally she planned for better education.

"So, what's this rally about again?" Jackson asked

"We're trying to get a student rep onto the school board." Ramona said

"Oh. Why do we want to do that?" He continued, confused

"So we can get new textbooks, updated technology, and a more diverse curriculum." I added, repeating what Ramona had told me earlier

"Sounds like a fancy way of saying 'more school." Jackson complained, putting his hands under mine so I wouldn't drop the signs

"Why are you even coming to this?" Ramona asked

"I'm feeling the stirring of activism." Jackson shrugged, trying to hide his true intentions

"You said it was so you could show off your football jersey in public." I laughed, making him remove his hands so I almost dropped the signs

"Tommy!" Max yelled, joining us in the living room

Tommy walked in wearing Jackson jersey, which was covered in dirt.

"What did you do to my jersey?" Jackson asked

"I drew in some fake blood and had Tommy roll around in the dirt so it looked like you actually played." Max smiled

"Oh. Thanks, guys. It looks fantastic." Jackson said, grinning

"Football." Tommy said, making us all smile

"I'll have the pants for you this afternoon." Max continued, as Cosmo walked in with Jackson's football pants on.

"How did those even fit?" I asked

"No, Cosmo. Still too clean. Try the puddle in the backyard." Max snapped, ignoring my question

Cosmo barked and rushed back out to the yard, "Seriously. How did you get those pants on that dog?"


Ramona, Max, and I walked in from the backdoor to the kitchen, exhausted. We had just finished the rally, and Jackson had left early.

"Jackson, I guess you couldn't be bothered to stay for the whole rally." I complained

"I had important stuff to do." He said

"You came home to watch reruns of Yes, Dear." Max rephrased

"That's not why I came home. It was just a happy accident." Jackson said

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