Welcome Home, Baby-to-Be-Named-Later ♛

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Farrah's POV

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Farrah's POV

"Do you need any help with that?"

I turned to face Jackson, who pointed to the line of streamers I was tasked to hang on the stair rails, "No. I'll be fine."

Even after the happiness of the birth of Steph's baby, I was still a bit hesitant in the way I presented myself in front of Jackson. I forgave him for the things he said, but I wasn't yet ready to try again, and he didn't need to get the wrong idea.

"Hey, Deej, hurry up. It's banner time." Steve called as he admired the decorations Ramona, Max, Jackson, and I had helped him set up

Dj rushed into the room, eager to see the set up and prepare for the banner reveal, "Do not unfurl a banner without me. You know the house rules."

"Believe me, we know. No banner till you see Dj Tanner." Max stated, repeating the oddly common phrase of the household

"See? Everything's better when it rhymes." She smiled, "Now remember, everyone, the baby came early. Stephanie and Jimmy have not had a chance to pick out the name yet, so let's not make them feel self conscious."

Steve released the banner that held a welcome to the baby who would be named later. Jackson turned to face everyone with an expression of slight confusion, "Welcome home, baby-to-be-named-later?"

"Cute name. Might be hard for a Starbucks barista to spell, though." I joked, laughing at my own sense of humor

"Yeah, I kinda wish you'd given your speech before I went to the printers'." Ramona sheepishly responded, messing with her hair

"The last thing we want to do is make them feel pressured. But they better have it by 6:30 tonight before the baby-naming party." Dj groaned

"There's gonna be a lot of people in the house. Legally, if three more people move in, we have to register as a commune." Ramona said

I continued hanging the streamers, hanging over the railing to do so. Quickly, I realized my mistake when I ended half bent over the railing, threatening to smack the second floor.

"Now, I know I rejected your help a minute ago, but could someone help me before all the blood rushes to my head?" I asked, gaining the attention of everyone in the room

Jackson jogged up the stairs with a small smile on his face, as Steve began to freak out underneath me.

"If you fall, I'll catch you. I may not be a super strong man, but you're like the size of an American girl doll so I think I'll manage." Steve cried

"Good to know, but if Jackson would hurry I'd say we're all good." I smiled

"You're in no place to give attitude, Missy." Jackson joked, gently pulling me back over the railing before taking the streamers and pinning it in the final spot

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