Flirt-Terushima Yuuji(1)

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Sure, everyone knew who Terushima was. He was a fuckboy who flirted with every girl he'd ever laid eyes on, but the girls didn't necessarily hate it. You could admit, Terushima had the good looks to get a girlfriend if he really wanted one.

   If you were being honest, though, you thought Terushima was just horny all the time and was looking for someone to fuck.

   You were never particularly interested in Terushima, unlike what many people you'd heard would have said about him. It's not that you hated him, you just didn't see him as much of a romantic partner to spend the rest of your life with.

   From what you could gather, though, Terushima really enjoyed your company.

   Terushima always went out of his way to talk to you. He even flirted with you. And no, not in the somewhat joking way he would act around other girls. He would seriously flirt with you. Cheesy pick up lines and all.

   You would always try and let him down easily, but he never seemed to pick up on it. And if he did, he didn't stop trying.

   You had even tried to straight up tell him no once. He had started throwing out every line he had learned at you, and you had started to get a little tired of it.

   "Look, Terushima," you had said. "I'm...flattered...that you thought of me. But I'm not interested in dating someone right now."

   Terushima smirked. He didn't say anything, but you knew what he was thinking. You knew he wouldn't stop trying, and that annoyed you a little.

   Like, sure, you could admit he was attractive, and his personality was kind of cute, but you weren't too interested in him beyond that.

   You were about to walk home when Terushima walked up to you.

   "Hey, (Y/n)~chan," he said.

   "Hey, Terushima~san," you said, hoping that he would just go away.

   He didn't.

   "So... how are you?" He asked.

   "I'm doing fine," you said.

   "C'mon~" he said. "Is that all you're going to give me?" You frowned at his comment.

   "You expected me to be enthusiastic when I'm this tired?" You asked. You just wanted to go home. You had a pretty long day, and you just wanted to be able to relax.

   Terushima blinked at you. "Did something happen?"

   You shrugged. "Not really."

   Terushima cocked his head to the side. "I...I can try and help you relax a little bit. If you'd be willing to hang out with me for a while?"

   You sighed. "If...if I hang out with you, will you leave me alone?"

   He shrugged. "No promises."

   You growled. "Fine," you said. "I'll go with you."

   Terushima smiled. "Great!" He gripped your hand and started pulling you behind him.

   "W—wait," you said.


  You and Terushima had hung out in various places. Parks, restaurants, and pretty much anywhere else you were allowed.

   If you were being honest, you had a lot of fun with Terushima. You hadn't completely expected that Terushima would be this fun, though you honestly hadn't known what to expect, so you guessed it didn't mean anything.

   You and Terushima were standing outside his house—his was closer to the park you'd been at.

    "So, (Y/n)~chan," Terushima said. "Feel better?"

   You smiled and nodded. "Thank you for this, Terushima~san."

   "Yuuji," Terushima said. You cocked your head to the side. "Call me Yuuji. Do you'd be okay with doing this again sometime?"

   You looked at the ground with a smile. "You know," you said, "I'd love to."


A/n: I feel like this ones flow is kinda weird. And it's super short. Eh.

Love y'all! Hope you're doing well!

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving (as of posting)!


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