Valentine-Nishinoya Yuu(1)

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  Everyone had a best friend. Yours was the energetic boy named Nishinoya. Granted, the only reason it was like that was because you'd known him since both of you were seven. If you'd met him any later, you doubted you'd be so close to him. You just weren't as energetic as he was, and you doubted you ever would be.

   "(N/N)!" Noya called. ((N/N) means nickname, btw.) You turned around and waved to him.

   "Hey, Yuu," you said to him. "What's up?"

   He smiled. "Just wanted to talk," he said. You rolled your eyes and snickered. He was like this sometimes. He would get rather lonely—that or he would just get bored.

   "You're weird," you said. Noya didn't take any offense to the comment and started walk with you.

   He went on to talk about volleyball, which you didn't mind at all. You were interested in the sport, though you never played. Noya had gotten you to be a manager so he could spend more time with you.

   The two of you walked into the gym for his volleyball practice. Most of the team was looking at him. There was a fair amount of them grinning slyly, and you were tempted to ask, but Noya didn't seem to notice, so you didn't say anything.

   "Oh," Noya said. "I need to talk to you after practice." His face is tinted red.

   You smiled. "Sounds good!" You said.

   Noya smiled, nodded, and turned to go practice. You had to admit, you were a little concerned.

   Noya was your best friend; though, you had to admit, you wanted to be more than friends with him. While Noya could be a massive pain in the ass sometimes, you loved his personality. Plus, he was adorable in general. He acted like a little kid, and you loved the silly side of him.

   Valentine's Day was coming up soon, and you didn't have enough courage to ask him out. You didn't want to fuck up your friendship with him. You sighed, staring at him as he practiced without fear of being caught.


   You waited outside the gym for Noya. The third years had come out before him, and you all had a short conversation before they left.

   Noya ran out and stoped next to you with a huge smile on his face. You smiled. "Ready?" You asked.

   "Yup," he said.

   You started to walk with him. He was being rather jittery for what he was usually like. You payed no mind—he did say he wanted to talk earlier.

   "Are you okay?" You asked.

   "Yeah," he said. "Just...a little nervous."

   "For what?"

   "I have something to ask you...and I'm trying to stall a bit."

   You just nodded and tried to help calm him down, though, you had to admit, your own nerves were building quickly.

   Once you got to your house, you looked at Noya. "So...what did you want to ask me?"

   Noya looked at the ground with his face red. "I—I wanted to say," he started, taking a deep breath. "I've liked you for a while now, and I was hoping you would like to go out with me."

   You turned bright red. He actually liked you back? You'd had a few crushes, but none of them had ever really liked you back.

   Noya looked at the ground. From the look on his face, you're silence was rejection. He started to speak, but you cut him off.

   "I've liked you for a while, too," you told him. "I—I'd love to go out with you."

   He smiled widely and hugged you. You smiled softly and hugged him back.

   He left with a wave and a huge smile. You walked into your house and went to your room, trying to hold back your happy screams so you didn't make your family too concerned about you.


A/n: this is really short~ And super shitty~

Y'know, it works I guess. I'll make the next part better...hopefully. I wish it was better cause Noya my favourite. T-T.

Also, I'm so sorry for not posting for a long time. I've been super busy the last few weeks because I finally got a job! And practice for swim. I have to get up at 4:30 tomorrow morning. T~T.

Hope y'all are doing well. Love y'all!


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