chapter 6

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All dragon slayers POV

"Sorry i did not know what I was doing."

Lucy POV

"It is okay Natsu."


"You should be"

Mira POV

"Again again"

Yukino POV


Kagura POV

"Just this once

Romeo POV

"Don't sweat it."

Master POV

I saw the dragon slayers and their mates.I guess they did it and no one got hurt whew.

6 years later

Romeo POV

Igneel who was Natsu son was fight ur who was gray son.Fathers and son both fought and Ezra came with her daughter berry.together mother band daughter slammed the guys head together as they laid non the floor.mira's daughter was shipping and destroying anyone who ruins her otp.My daughter,rowen,was choosing a job for me and my darling Wendy to go to.

That dragon season 6 years ago really was one of the brought us together.Fairy tail,the best guild ever.

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