•Chapter 31:"Goodbyes, Wishes and Kisses"•

Start from the beginning


"Y/N?" her twin sister was the first one to broke the undefeaning silence as she let go of there hug which took long. But the two didn't mind, they needed this after all they may not see each other again in a pretty long time.

The teary eyed girl took the sign as she let go to her sister's comforting arms. She wiped the back of her hand to wipe off the tears that was on her cheeks, curling up both of her index fingers as she tuck in the loose strands of her hair.

Penny examined her carefully as she quirk a smile on how she looked. "You look like a mess." She teased her sister.

A loud scoff can be heard as the h/c haired girl replied. "No sh*t, Sherlock."

The girl beside her turned her smile into a grin as she let out a light laugh, but after a few seconds of joking around, her grin turn into a frown her face turning into a serious expression. Y/N took notice of this as she looked at her twin sister with a look of worry.

"Penny? Is there something you want to tell me?"

She didn't respond and on top of it, she can't even look her in the eyes. But instead her eyes found her way to the golden acessory that was hanging on her neck. The small object somehow made her comfort and the snippets of memories of there mother was flashing on her mind.

"That's mom's. It suits you."

From reflex, Y/N reached for the small heart shaped charm of the necklace, "Oh, yeah... um, it does."

Then she let out a sigh and look away from
Y/N. "You have until tomorrow to say goodbye to them."

She looked at her to see any signs of anger or emotions, but nothing shows a single twitch in her face but a neutral one and a single nod made Penny taken back. She was surprised she didn't complain whatsoever.

"Umm...-" and she let a cough after she composed herself. "-a- and after you... said your goodbyes -we'll meet at the quarry at exactly 7pm and i'll do the rest."

8:59:59 am...

Beep... Beep... Beep!!!

I was mind awaken by the ridiculously loud sound of my alarm clock, I groaned at the ringing and mindlessly stretched my arm with much force on where the supposedly bedside table with the blasted noise on top of it.

The action didn't made the sound go yet still continued it's annoying attempt of waking me up -which always seems to do the trick-, but also for my arm to fall along with all my weight which causes for not only my mind to be awoken but also my whole consciousness and entire body with an added bonus of my head hitting hard on my bedroom floor is quite a great way to start this day.

"Sh*t." I yelled as I held the spot where my head was been hit. I squinted my eyes as I was greeted by the rays of the morning sun, which made me instinctively got up -with my hand still holding my sore head- and stomped my way to the 'morning devil' and grabbed the nearest object that I could find with my other free hand -which is a blank notebook that I never really write in- and slammed it on the alarm clock with all my strength as the noise shuts up.

"That's for ruining my mornings!" I yelled, which I probably shouldn't since the object just did it's job to wake me up. It's funny how I took my anger out of an alarm clock. Maybe it's because of my lack of sleep, or maybe it's because I was just nervous on what is going down today.

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