Pit Stop (FILLER)

Start from the beginning

"Can you teach me how to fight with a sword?" Confused at his question, I know how he grew up, so why would he want to sword fight?

"But didn't the monks teach you to be peaceful as possible? Not to resort to violence?" Nodding his head at my question, he cleared it up.

"They did, but right now I'm not strong enough to completely defeat someone with my bending. And I wouldn't have to hurt them. Just defend myself till I can use my bending again." Thinking it over I can see that he's being genuine, he doesn't want to hurt anybody but we both know that he still has to defend himself. He'll be okay.

"Alright, follow me, you're gonna make a pile of snow big enough for us to use okay?"

"Yeah! Come on Kaia!" Tugging my arm he headed down to the waterfall where we landed.

"Now the first rule with bending snow or ice is what?" I know I could just show him, but it would be more beneficial to know what he's working with and how to make it easier.

"You gotta be sharp and cold, to match what you're bending." Satisfied with his answer, I threw another question.

"What part of your body do you use to strengthen the ice?" He looked confused. 'Got him.'

"Uhhh...your hands?" Smirking at his lost face, I correct him.

"Nope. It was a trick question. The second key to bending ice is to let the cold energy run through your entire body. Starting from the bottom of your feet, to your head, and out through your hands. The motions of bending itself is clean and sharp, but the energy flowing through you couldn't be further from that. The root of water bending. Feeling the flow of energy running from pool to pool of your body. Now. Ready your stance...go!" Watching him take every word I said and absorbing the information shot a beam of pride through my chest. Proud to help the Avatar. And proud to see the move I created being so perfectly displayed. Seeing he's starting to form the cool white orb I let out the next instruction.

"Good! Now each rotation of your arm you need to rise with it and form the weapon you want. Perfect! Now form the icicle and shoot it off center so it doesn't shatter the sword." Aang listens to my instructions and follows without any fail or any hint of uncertainty. He was gonna master waterbending easily. Seeing the sword fall out of the air into his hands made me cringe. Why? The young boy has never handled a sword and almost shattered it on the ground. He looked at me with a sheepish smile when he saw my slapping my hand to my face. Breathing in and out I bended the snow into a circle around my body, speeding it up with every rotation. After gaining the speed I want, I split the snow-now ice- into two perfect half's of a sword. Closing my eyes I moved the halves above my head with my palms touching. The ice was positioned like tip to hilt. Practically on top of each other but only the side touching. With a swift movement I led my hands in front of my chest, moving the odd looking shaped swords with them. Then with a sharp jolt I shifted my left hand down, middle finger touching the base of my right palm. The movement caused the sword to click together as one whole, a slice resonating through the area. Grabbing the hilt of the magnificent sword I got into a battle stance. Ready to deflect Aangs strike. Without any knowledge of sword fighting he would never know that the person who strikes first tends to lose too.

Aang is looking at me with complete awh and fascination, the tip of his sword just grazing the ground. Snapping out of it when I crouch down, him copying my moves. I see him studying me trying to find a place to strike. I lower my hands to open up the area of my throat, trying to give him false hope of the perfect opportunity. With a scream he probably would have called a battle cry, he charged forwards. Swinging his sword aimlessly. 'He really has no idea what to do. Might as well enjoy this while it lasts. I end up toying with him. Stepping out of he strike with ease, blocking his swings without effort, and striking with him barely having time to deflect the blows. After a few minutes of dancing around twinkle toes over here I see that he needs a break.

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