"Hey Choromatsu."

"What do you want Oso-"

Smack! Osomatsu slapped Choro with a magizine.

"What the heck?!"

Well, maybe Oso didn't improved much. But sure did become better than before.

"Ok, that was all the suitcases." Ichimatsu says.

"We're ready to leave! Everyone get in!" Karamatsu yelled out.

You raced to sit in the front seat, next to Karamatsu. Of course, you won.

"Let's take you to your new home!"


In the road, everyone was being loud. They seem to be discussing about Nya-Chan's next concert. Despite the fact you love music, you weren't much of a fan.

You noticed Karamatsu was bothered by his Bruzzas' conversation. He casually turns on the radio, trying go keep his cool. You almost forgot Kara can get upset and get angry. Stress. Speaking of stress, the radio played songs made by Twenty One Pilots. The song it was playing was Stressed Out.

"You listen to English/Western/American songs?" You asked him.

"Yes!!!" He responds in English.

"Do you know what the song says?" You asked with a smirk.

"Not really, but using what I know I can picture what message it gives." Kara says.

"Really? Do you know what this songs sings about?" You asked, making him answer foolishly. But he didn't answer. He stayed quiet, listening to the lyrics. Soon his smile turned into a frown. Then into a confused face.

"So...??" You dragged the question.

"This song seems to talk about how childhood was filled with happiness and dreams. But now that you're an adult, life makes things harder for all your wishes to come true. You have no choice but to give up and work hard for a better life. Accomplishing what is needed the most than what you dream of."

You were quite surprised. He figured it out. Not exactly what you ecpected to hear.

"Am I right?" He asks, with a curious face.

"You actaully got it right" you responded, in a surprised tone.

"See? I told you I could do it. But I know you didn't look down at me~" he joked qt that last part.

"I knew you could do it. Never doubted it."

In the back, the brothers were still discussing. You could hear Choro talk about money, bills, taxes, and business.

"We can't just waste on everything we want. We're adults now. We have to take on responsibility of what we have now. We can't just abandon reality just to focus on our dreams. What we need is important than what we wish."

Hearing that, made you realized how much this song fits with the Matsunos brothers. Osomatsu said Kara and his brothers used to go out and have fun until Yumi came. As they were kids, they must've had a great connection. Being neets, you definintly know they still have that connection. But as they grew up, they realized not everything is possible. It must be harsh.

However, you knew that they would agree with Choro. They might have dreamed to become astronauts, superheroes, or doctors, but they have Yumi, and she should be the biggest change in the family. Yumi will unexpectingly change everyone's life.

Kara stopped the car. "We're here!" He yelled, loud enough to shut everyone up. They lifted their heads, with scared faces. They slowly and calmly get out of the car. You thought it was silly. Sure, Kara shouted in a terrifying way, but you knew it was an act. He only tried to get their attention. You get out of the car. Matsuyo walks to you.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you decided to stay with us. I have your room ready for you. Do you wanna check it out now?"
She politely asked.

"That would be great. Thanks." You politely responded. You followed Matsuyo into the house. You were greeted by Mr. Matsuno, who had Yumi in his arms. You went up the stairs, into your new room. It was small, but not so different from the one you slept in. You were thankful for everything they have done. They have nothing to hold for this action, only the fact they have a pure heart.

"Now, the boys will come to put your suitcases up. Meanwhile, would you like to eat something?"

"Not really. I'm not hungry. But thanks for the offer."

"Are you sure Y/N?"

"Yes ma'am. Besides, I think I should help the boys. They're my suitcases after all."

"Oh. You don't have to worry about them. But if you choose to, then I won't stop you. You have a sweet heart. Go on."

You left the room. You werr about to go down stairs until Karamatsu and Choromatsu were carrying one of your suitcases up. You moved away so they could freely move.

"Why, hello my angel. You seem a bit anxious." Kara states.

"I just want to help out. They're my suitcases and I should at least do my own part."

"Non non non. You should relax, not work. I want you to feel comfortable. We'll get your suitcases into your room in no time. Please do not worry." He poetically argued.

"Fine...." you said in a annoyed tone.

Karamatsu and Choromatsu continued to walk into your room.
You went downstairs to meet up with Matzuno and Yumi.

"Greetings Y/N. You seem a bit anxious. Or perhaps excited."

"Well, I am excited. I wamted to help the brothers with my suitcases but Karamatsu wants me to relax." You sit down in front of him.

"That boy. He is always trying to be a gentleman. But you can't blame him. He just wants go make sure you are pleased. None of us want you to fell uncomfortable." He responds.

"All of you guys go through a lot and somehow you have time to have an extra person living in this house. How though?" You asked depressingly. You already know about the brothers relation, the fact that some have to focus on work while others try to stay positive. They work hard for a huge family of 9. And now, there are going to be 10. It's too much!

"Because, we will always have to time for our family. We accept you has a part of our family. We are happy to have you. It doesn't matter the number of people you have to face and see every morning. Nor it does how much time you have to be with them. What's more important is that you keep on loving them and doing your best at supporting this family."

(A/N: i hope all this doesn't sound so angsty. Or cliché. I'll be making more chapters. This is one my longest chapters. Crazy, huh? Thanks for reading and stay safe~

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