Chapter 13: Accident Prone

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Above is the dress she will choose at the further part of the story. Hope you like it ♡


School ended quickly and I was sitting outside of the Head Mistress' office. I still think it's weird calling the principal the Head Mistress.

A woman exits the room and faces me. "Good afternoon. Ms. Salawati is expecting you. Follow me."

We went inside and I took a seat in front of the desk.

"Good afternoon Cikgu. Do I have a problem going on?" I asked politely.

She smiles and shakes her head. "Bukan. I asked you to come here because last July, you were asked to sing for the opening act. Right?"

I nodded, now desperate to know what she wants to tell me.

"Well, I wanted to inform you that a company saw a video of you singing and they want you to perform for their 10th year anniversary."

I was literally starstrucked. No way was she telling me that.

"They are also offering you five thousand Ringgit if you will attend. Are you in?"

I stared at her and I just nodded. "When will this be held?" I managed to croak out at my shocked state. I really can't believe this.

"It will be held on December 6. It's a Sunday and I'm grateful that you agreed. I will be informing Mr. Ariff that you agreed. You may now leave. Thank you for your time." She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you too." I bowed as I stand up and left the room.

Oh my gosh it feels so unreal but it is!


"I'm sorry Mel but you can't go." Dad says as he put the plates in the rack.

"But dad. Five thousand Ringgit is a big deal. That's like your monthly salary. Come on dad. Please. I promise to give you at least half. Not half actually, I might give you only a thousand but still."

Dad sighs and points at me. "We need to stay away from attention. You know, a low profile. The one where you'll stay out of the spotlight. The-"

"I know what you mean dad." I cut him and rolled my eyes. "And come on dad. I promise this will be the first and the last time. Please dad. For your pumpkin please." I neared him and hugged him.

"Uh, pumpkin. I can't breathe."

I smirk and hugged him tighter. "That's the point dad." I laughed.

He laughed as well and shakes his head. "Fine fine. You can go. But make sure you give me at least a thousand." He winks as I let go and chuckles.

I scoffed and went upstairs.

"Yes!" I jumped around and lay in bed.

But I had this gut feeling that I was forgetting something. It was at the tip of my tongue and I can't manage to figure it out.

I look at the calendar and it was a Friday today. Why do I feel like I'm in trouble.

I stand up and tripped on something. When I see what I tripped on, I remembered what I forgot. I quickly got up and got the duffel bag I tripped on and ran to my car. I'm so dead.


I parked my car and got the bag. I ran towards the gate and the guard stopped me.

"Go away fatty!" I internally screamed.

"Apa masaalah awak?" What's your problem?

Well d*ckhead, I need to get inside this instant!

I inhaled and exhaled because I was losing it. Mel. You need to calm down. Like right now.

"Saya perlu bagi beg ini kepada adik saya!" I exclaimed. I need to give this to my sister

"Wait." He then enters the guard house and it felt like five hours waiting out here.

He exits with a log book and told me to put my name. I put my name and apparently my address and ran inside. I searched for my sister and saw her walking with her friends.

"Sis!" I shouted to get her attention. When she saw me, she literally glared at me.

I neared her and she crossed her arms. "About time. Our first activity was done and guess what. I couldn't compete for the first lap."

"I'm sorry. My principal needed to talk to me after class and I'll explain it to you later." I gave her a hug and squeezed her cheeks.

"Ouch!" She slaps my hand away and I smirk. "Yeah. Enjoy your three day sportsfest. Love you!"

I ran back to my car and drove to Aeon before I go home. I parked my car near an entrance and texted dad. I thought I should window shop for a dress. I went to a small shop and went inside. As I enter, I was quickly welcomed with perfume and beautiful dresses.

I roamed around the store hoping to find a dress. There were a lot of beautiful dresses but their prices were beautiful too.

Not sarcasm.

I'm not complaining with the price since it was reasonable for the dress. I continued to look around when I saw the dress. It was a black dress with a long back. It's front went over the kneee and it had a lace neckline until the end of the sleeves.

I instantly fell in love with the dress. It was so beautiful.

I looked at the price and I was stunned. It was just 200 Ringgit. I looked inside my wallet and saw only a hundred ringgit.

I got the dress and looked for service. I then saw a girl around her early twenties.

"Hi. Is there someway I could reserve this dress until tomorrow."

She smiles and nods then gets the dress. "This way please."

She brought me to the other side of the store and there stood the supervisor. They talked for a while and the girl left me with the supervisor.

"When will you be taking the dress?"

"Tomorrow." I answered happily. I still had 300 Ringgit at home.

He nods and brings me to the counter. He told me to write my name, number, and address. I did what he said and went to Starbucks. I ordered a White Chocolate shake and a Cinnamon Roll. I ate in silence when my phone rang. I look at the number and it wasn't save in my WhatsApp.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey. It's me Carmen. My phone broke and I couldn't use WhatsApp. I had to used this keypad phone to tell you that Liyana is in the hospital."

I abandoned my cinnamon roll and went straight to my car after asking Carmen for the hospital address.

I turn the car engine on and left the mall. It was getting pretty late but I had to see Liyana. It was a sudden.

Then I realized something was off with Liyana just now at school. She was acting a bit cold to us and she seemed startled when we would hug or even tap her shoulder.

I reached the hospital and went straight to the front desk to ask for the emergency room. She told me where to go and I followed her directions. Once I saw the open doors, I took deep breaths and blinked tears away from my eyes.

Here I go.

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