Never thought we'd have our last kiss

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Of course Vanessa and Lena had to dress to impress i threw on my basic sweatpants and a black shirt. Who am I impressing my wife's at home.

"I call shotgun!!" Lena said so i guess that left me to ride in the back. I crawled in the back and looked out the window while Vanessa and Lena talked. I smiled I'm happy that they're friends again I mean who knew it would happen but I'm glad that Lena didn't hold a grudge about how things went down between her and Stephen in high school.

When we walked into the bar Lena practically rushed us to a booth i sat on the right and Vanessa slid in on the left. Lena was going to sit beside Vanessa but she sat beside me.

"Okay Jess catch me up on your life i only know what I see on Alexa's instagram."

"Um what do you want to know?" I asked.

"I don't know. Tell me about your daughter." I smiled.

"Well Isabella is the cutest, the first couple of nights she gave us hell." I chuckled and Lena laughed also.

"She's been through a lot and just needs someone to love her and actually put her first unlike her birth parents." Lena nodded.

"You guys had a big wedding, I should've known i mean you did marry Alexa." She laughed but it was different from the rest of them. It seemed forced and a little sarcastic.

"How the hell did that happen?" She asked looking through the menu.

"Well I actually sat down and got to know her for her and not for the facade she was putting on. And i fell in love. With the real her."

"That's just like you jess, to see the good in people even when they don't deserve it. I mean you did it for me and I was terrible to you in high school."

"Well that's all water under the bridge." I said. She looked at me and bit her lip. Vanessa cleared her throat.

"Yeah lena Alexa's amazing." Vanessa said breaking us away from the awkward stare off.

The waiter came up to us.

"Hey ladies what will you be having to drink?" He wore glasses and wore the basic work attire as everyone who worked here. A red button down shirt with black dress pants and black dress shoes.

His name was on on a white card attached to his chest.

"I'll take a water." Lena said.

"What kind of alcohol do you guys have back there?" Vanessa asked. He smiled.

"Actually we have it where if you wanna drink alcohol you have to go order it from the bar over there." He pointed to the right and Vanessa nodded.

"I'll take sweet tea." I said.

Steve nodded walking away.

"So what were we talking about?" Vanessa asked.

"Alexa." Lena said.

I smiled. "My wife."

"Why didn't she come out with us?" Lena asked.

"Because she's with our daughter and let's face it, she never liked you."

"Well I'm sure it's all water under the bridge." She said. I nodded.

"Im sure."

"You guys ready to order?" Vanessa asked.


We were all laughing at childhood memories, for a second it felt like we were all in high school again all three of us the best of friends.

"I still can't believe you married Caleb and you guys had a child." Lena said. "It stills baffles me. All of my friends moved on and are happily married and im just not getting my shit together."

"Hey, it's better late than never. There's no rush anyways." I said.

"How's stephen do you still talk to him?" I asked.

"Last i checked he's in prison. Which is for the best he's done terrible things."

The band started to play last kiss by Taylor Swift and Lena smiled. I love this song.

"I love this song." Lena said.

"Hey I'll go get us some drinks it's time to turn this party up." Vanessa said. I nodded.

Lena watched this couples dance together to her favorite slow song.

"Would you like to have a friendly dance?" Lena asked.


I got up and put my hand out for her to grab. She did so and i put my hand on the small of her back and held her other hand as we slow dance.

Just dancing to the music she smiled looking into my eyes. I spun her around and caught her and she giggled.

"What?" I asked.

She blushed and smiled shaking her head.

"Nothing I just cant help but think..."

"Think what?" I pressed.

"Think this could've been our life. I could've had this big wedding with you and we could've been happily married with a child staying either here or New York but we would've been together and happy."


"I know I know your married to Alexa. I just wish i didn't push you away when you told me about your feelings. I wish i had chosen you I was so stupid back then and now." She shook her head.

"Let me stop." She looked at me as the song slowly came to an end.

We backed away from each other and i looked at her confused.

"Girls!!!!" Vanessa said.

"Let's get drunk." She said smiling holding up a shot glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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